The war on work

Tom Hodgkinson, founder of the magazine The Idler, obviously has not been strictly adhering to his own advice as he has a new book titled … How To Be Idle.

Yesterday’s NYTRB reviews the book in a mostly positive way, but implies Hodginson is a bit lazy in the latter half, but isn’t that to be expected?

A NYTRB reviewer (and food critic) Jeffrey Steingarten notes:

The chief problem with modern life is not work in itself. It is jobs. In 1993 Hodgkinson founded the British magazine The Idler, on whose Web site he succinctly sums up the horrors of having a job: ”With a very few exceptions the world of jobs is characterized by stifling boredom, grinding tedium, poverty, petty jealousies, sexual harassment, loneliness, deranged co-workers, bullying bosses, seething resentment, illness, exploitation, stress, helplessness, hellish commutes, humiliation, depression, appalling ethics, physical fatigue and mental exhaustion.” Yes, that pretty much sums it up. On this we can all agree.


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