Here are photos from the anti-war demo this past Saturday (Sept 24) in San Diego, which was part of a US-wide anti-war protest, that drew a somewhere between 100,000 and 300,000 people in Washington, DC.

Polls continue to show that the majority of the U.S public is against the war in Iraq and want an immediate withdrawal of U.S troops. After Hurricane Katrina hit, support for Bush’s policies in Iraq dropped even more.

A recent CNN/USA Today/Gallup poll showed that two-thirds of Americans believe Bush is spending too much money in Iraq and 42 percent favor cutting spending on the war to pay for relief efforts in the devastated Gulf Coast region. Nearly 70% of Americans disapprove of how George W. Bush is handling the situation in Iraq; 60% now say it was a mistake to send US troops to Iraq; and over 60% support troop withdrawals.

The San Diego demo was held in Balboa Park and included some spirited singing, representatives/speeches from folks from a wide variety of political, religious, educational, community activist, and human rights organizations.

Over 2000 people (including babies and puppets, but not the cops)—and not a few sign toting dogs—came out for a vigorous protest against the oil war in Iraq and US foreign policies that continue to criminalize poor people along the southern US border who come to the US looking for work. The Rouge Forum had a small delegation there leafleting the crowd.

Photos from the September 24th demo in Washington, DC.

One comment

  1. Are you promote peace and love…but if we leave this coutnry then you’ll see nethier you’ll see regualr people be slaugthered you think what you see on CNN is unbistest …well they did show the iraqi sniper video if you dont know what that is look it up on CNN …i under stand you wanting the soldiers back but when CNN produces this shit well thats just dishearting …thank a Marine for your free speech

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