Katrina/NCLB poster


Fireworks Graphics Collective has produced a poster that shows the depth of commitment the Bush administration has to it’s “No Child Left Behind” mantra. You can download the poster from the The California LGBT Arts Alliance or here.

Here’s the fine print from the poster:

Thursday Aug. 25, Day 1 Hurricane Katrina makes landfall. Bush is at his ranch in Crawford, Texas and defends his habit of taking lengthy vacations. “I’m mindful of what goes on around me. On the other hand, I’m also mindful that I’ve got a life to live, and will do so.”

Friday Aug. 26, Day 2 Bush still on vacation

Saturday Aug. 27, Day 3 Bush still on vacation

Monday Aug. 29, Day 5 Bush was briefed by Michael Brown, the director of the Federal Emergency Management Agency then headed to Arizona for a speech on Medicare. The White House announced new options under the Medicare Prescription Drug Plan.

Tuesday Aug. 30, Day 6 There is no power. There is no fresh water or sewage systems. Bush visits Naval Base Coronado in California, standing against a backdrop of the USS Ronald Reagan aircraft carrier, and says American troops must stay in Iraq to protect the country’s vast oil fields that he said would otherwise
fall under the control of terrorists. Bush joins Arizona Senator John McCain for a celebration of McCain’s 69th birthday.

Thursday Sept. 1, Day 8 Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice is seen shopping for $1,000 Ferragamo boots and is shamed by a New Yorker who said, “How dare you shop for shoes while thousands are dying!” Vice President Dick Cheney is still on vacation in Wyoming. Donald Rumsfeld is missing in action until day 10.

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