Ray Davies: New Orleans—The ideal place to get shot

web 7.jpgThe Times of London ran this column by Ray Davies. Davies, who was the lead singer for the The Kinks, describes his experience getting shot in NOLA, his indebtedness to the music of New Orleans and the American South, and asks “How can the USA be expected to look after the whole world when it cannot even look after its own?”

“So it doesn’t surprise me to see the world reacting with shock to the “Third World” conditions in New Orleans “in this, the richest and most powerful country in the world”. I could have told them that.

But I have been astonished by the reactions and apparent shame of some of the US television reporters who seemed overwhelmed to discover that there actually is poverty in America. They made me want to grab my television and shout “Hello, dear reporter, yes, America actually does have poor and underprivileged people as well.”

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