The evolving stories of ID and FSMism

Christian schools sue U of California

Inside Higher Ed reports that a group of Christian schools sued the University of California in federal court last week, charging that the university engages in religious discrimination by refusing to certify certain high school courses at religious schools that teach alternatives to evolution, including creationism and so-called “intelligent design.”

The lawyer for the Association of Christian Schools Internation, which is the group suing UC, told Inside Higher Ed he did not know what books are used in the schools whose courses are being rejected, the school that brought the issue to the Christian schools’ group’s attention is the Calvary Chapel Christian School, whose Web site says that it uses for its high school curriculum materials from such publishers as Abeka and Bob Jones University Press.

Abeka publishes science material that “presents the universe as the direct creation of God and refutes the man-made idea of evolution.”

Iowa State U profs reject claims that ID is science

After a professor at Iowa State University voiced support for “intelligent design” theories as an alternative to evolution, 120 professors signed a statement that they “reject all attempts to represent Intelligent Design as a scientific endeavor.” The ISU profs’ statement is a succinct description of how views regarding a supernatural creator are, by their very nature, claims of religious faith, and not within the scope or abilities of science, the hallmark of which is “methodological naturalism” or the view that natural phenomenon can be explained without reference to the supernatural.

ID a “hoax”

Tufts University prof Daniel C. Dennett’s “Show Me The Science” op-ed in The New York Times last week called intelligent design a “hoax.” Dennett rebuts many of the arguments put forward by its supporters, saying that in the end, there is no science of substance behind the challengers to evolution.

FSMism update

Pastafarianism makes The New York Times.

Evangelical scientists refute gravity with new “intelligent falling” theory

And finally, “America’s Finest News Source” reports on a new controversy over the science curriculum…the refutation of the gravity. (I think I blogged this a couple of weeks ago, but it’s worth a repeat.)

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