Facilitator declares impasse in teachers’ strike

Macleans: Facilitator declares impasse in B.C. teachers’ strike, will submit his report

October 20, 2005 – 13:32

VANCOUVER (CP) – A compromise proposal by the B.C. teachers’ union to end its illegal strike has fallen flat, with the facilitator immediately declaring an impasse and promising to write up a report.

Veteran mediator Vince Ready said it’s clear the parties are stalemated and “just too far apart to come to a facilitated agreement or any kind of a negotiated agreement.”

He came to his conclusion just one day after starting talks with public school employers and the B.C. Teachers Federation.

Ready says given the impact of the strike by 38,000 teachers, he will make non-binding recommendations within hours.

The union had proposed changes to the Schools Act on class size and staffing ratios, along with an alternative three-year agreement to replace Bill 12.

The contentious legislation that imposed a contract and two-year wage freeze on the teachers triggered the school shutdown that began Oct. 7, keeping 600,000 students out of class.

Copyright by Rogers Media, Inc.

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