Teach-in on strike/Rally for teachers Wednesday, Noon Scarfe Building UBC

We Support The Teachers!

Teach-In and Rally

Scarfe Building Lobby

University of British Columbia

Noon – 1:00pm

19 October 2005


One comment

  1. I fully support the teachers. They take care of our children which is a tough job in itself. They need to be valued for what they DO! Cutbacks over the last four years are ridiculous! How can ONE be expected to ‘teach’ a class of 30 successfuly and without resources and support? That is more like child minding. Yeah for teachers – hang in there! We support you and recognize the financial harships you are putting yourself through for our children and not the few dollars as many are made to beleive! Talk is cheap! Without the magnificent job you do, our children would be lost. You give us hope for a good future for our kids. Cheers & hang in there….I am hoping even with this government (!!!), there is light at the end of the tunnel!

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