UBC Dept of Curriculum Studies supports B.C. teachers

The Department of Curriculum Studies approved the following letter in support of the British Columbia Teachers’ Federation, and forwarded it to Premier Campbell today:

Dear Premier Campbell, Minister Bond & Minister De Jong,

The Department of Curriculum Studies in the Faculty of Education at the University of British Columbia strongly opposes the action taken against teachers by the Provincial Government in Bill 12. We fully support teachers’ rights to free collective bargaining and job action when necessary. We urge the Provincial Government to refrain from further anti-teacher action or legislation and resolve to immediately reach a fair contract with the British Columbia Teachers’ Federation.


Department of Curriculum Studies, University of British Columbia

cc. Jinny Sims, President, British Columbia Teachers’ Federation
cc. Rob Tierney, Dean, Faculty of Education
cc. Elliott Burnell, President, University of British Columbia Faculty Association

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