Rouge Forum Update

The Rouge Forum No Blood For Oil reference page is updated, with new graphics and links, at

Remember the Stop the War conference in LA on November 19!

NEA watched the California Nurses Association pound the CA governor into the sand on his four key propositions. But NEA spent well over $50 million on the campaign, most of it targeting the threat to dues income that prop 75 represented (would have required the union bosses to get member permission to deduct funds for political action). All told, about $250 million was spent on the campaign which left NEA members largely in the same spot they found themselves a year ago.

Senior LATimes writer and columnist Robert Scheer was fired for his political views this week.

Here is an example of Scheer’s recent work. “Lying on Intelligence.”

He follows Judith Miller out the door, who was fired for being caught lying about WMD’s on behalf of the Bush administration.

The Bush and Democratic excuse, “Who Knew Back Then?” is answered fairly simply. We knew. Take a look at the Rouge Forum archives going back to 2001, chronicling the many activists and researchers who knew the government was lying. Here is a quick example.

Lyon and Paris were hit by youth uprisings and it took the Asia Times to explain why.

Oil bosses defended their multi-billions in profits.

And the AFT agreed to a 52 month contract, with a merit pay clause, in New York City.

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