Rouge Forum Update (March 14, 2006)

From Rich Gibson:

A single focus this week: March in March.

There are dozens of marches scheduled throughout March, all opposing the wars on Iraq, Afghanistan, and in Latin America as well.

We identified the key action as March 18, the third anniversary of the now-failed invasion of Iraq. Thousands of people will be marching in cities large and small throughout the world. Join us!

It is possible a mass outpouring will open new possibilities to build a mass base against this and future wars–even to overcome the social relations that make them necessary.

We do not, however, wish to repeat the errors of the Vietnam anti-war movement whose Achilles’ heel was the failure to build a truly anti-racist movement, an integrated action-oriented class conscious mass of people crossing lines of race, sex/gender, and ability.

It follows that we urge integration–and direct action—in opposition to these wars which have the support of both major political parties in the US.

Here is a link to the updated Rouge Forum No Blood For Oil web page

The apparently timeless “Got War?” Rouge Forum Flyer and four posters available for downloading or free but for the cost of postage

“Shoot Moneybags Not People”

“No Workers’ Blood For Oil”

“US Out of the Middle East”

The Classic “Abolish ROTC!” poster

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