Rouge Forum Update (May 30, 2006)

The Rouge Forum www page is updated but overdosed, closed for the remainder of the month because more than 25,000 people visited it, and that is well over the limit Earthlink offers us…..a good problem to have.

So, in the interim, we call attention to the Rouge Forum posters now for sale, below our cost, on ebay. Here is one link to a classic poster and we offer an original article by Mike Davis, “Vigilante Man” especially relevant for those addressing the immigration question in classrooms.

To report on our Rouge Forum Survey:

1. Most people asked for a redesign of the web page—we’re working on that and when school lets out we will complete the update.

2. Several people asked for more Rouge Forum Institutes, especially Summer Institutes like those in Detroit, Rochester, and Louisville, in the past. Costs and time prohibit a summer institute for 2006, but we are planning two for 2007.

3. One person suggested that we establish what she calls Rouge Forum Salons, monthly reading groups addressing something of interest to students, parents, and school workers—topics either chosen locally, or from suggestions from the steering committees.

4. One person suggested that we connect with the revitalized Students for a Democratic Society, and we’ll be happy to do that if someone out there has a direct connection.

5. One person suggested we convene a leadership meeting in the fall, or later on at AERA, which we plan to do—and will announce that soon.

6. Finally, one colleague suggested that we promote and engage in more and more direct action and civil disobedience, pressing for a summer of anti-war discontent.

If you have comments on these ideas, or suggestions/criticism of your own, we would appreciate hearing from you.

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