National Guard recruiters woo educators with helicopter rides & freebies

MFZ.jpgThe Associated Press reported earlier this week how New Jersey National Guard recruiters woo educators with helicopter rides and freebies.

They ride Black Hawk helicopters, fire mock assault rifles in combat simulators and can learn what it’s like to drive a Humvee. Some are so excited they want pictures of themselves holding guns. But these enthusiasts aren’t about to join the military. They’re principals, teachers, coaches and mentors—people who New Jersey military recruiters believe hold the key to getting more high school students interested in the armed forces.

Unfortunately, the strategy seems to be working.

With the military struggling to meet recruitment goals nationwide, New Jersey’s National Guard has seen an increase in enlistment in the two years since the inception of its “Educate the Educator” program.

Guard officials say by educating the educators, they gain valuable allies in recruiting students whose parents are often concerned their children will be sent into battle. “It’s always the first thing I hear: “Iraq, Iraq, Iraq,'” said Sgt. Steve Lawrence, a Guard recruiter. “The parents are afraid.” In light of the fact that about 2,500 members of the U.S. military have died since the beginning of the Iraq war, seems to me there’s good reason for fear.

And military recruiters are notorious liars, see this for example.

In the USA, under the No Child Left Behind Act, high schools that receive federal funding are required to turn over students private information to the U.S. military for recruitment purposes! Schools are NOT required to inform students or partents that they are giving students’ private information to the military.

YOU CAN PROTECT YOURSELF! Sec. 9528 of the No Child Left Behind Act gives you the right to OPT OUT. This means that you can turn in a form, signed by your guardian or parent, which states that you do not want the military to have access to your private information. This will remove you from the list your school hands over to the military – but only for the school year during which you opted out. To keep your name and information out of the military’s hands you must opt out each and every school year!

Sign a petition to keep the military from accessing student’s private records.

Find more info at: Military Free Zone and War Resisters League

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