Rouge Forum Update (June 12, 2006)

brer1.gif[From R. Gibson]

Dear Friends,

The Rouge Forum No Blood for Oil web page is updated. The page is a nice re-design offering a remarkable look back at events since the formation of the Rouge Forum.

As the school year winds down we focus on social analysis and the resistance, connecting reason with power, while recognizing the discouraging emergence of fascism in the US and world-wide.

In the realm of analysis, note the CSPAN Q&A interview with our colleague, former UCSD professor Chalmers Johnson, author of the prescient Blowback and Sorrows of Empire. And, as an aside, here is one of Johnson’s pithy thoughts about retirement: “You no longer have to pretend that your colleagues are smart.”

The Taliban are making a comeback in Afghanistan where the US imposed regime of warlords is unable to travel outside of small areas of Kabul and the US defeat in Iraq, fought to a standstill by a non-existent military with no supply lines, no manufacturing base, and no sane leadership, is available for all to see—while sections of the Bush regime threaten to extend the debacle to Iran—and they eye those oil fields in Venezuela, potentially even richer than the Saudi Peninsula.

Heroic librarians are taking the lead in resisting FBI intrusions, something of a comment on the level of struggle.

In Japan, 350 teachers in Tokyo alone have openly resisted the conservative push to restore fascism in Japanese schools.

And, almost forgotten already, are the massive Mayday marches which showed, if nothing else, the incredible potential power of resistance coming from those at the shortest end of the stick in the US, and were, without much doubt, also the largest gatherings of people opposed to the Iraq invasion ever. Millions of people marched and the cops were simply set aside.

Wayne Ross’ web page has some terrific photos of past Rouge Forum events here

Your suggestions for the Rouge Forum www page, and future actions (conferences, the resurgence of the Rouge Forum News, a Speakers Bureau, etc) are always welcome.

Happy Summer! all the best,


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