War in Iraq and Across the Middle East! American Civil Liberties Under Siege! An Urgent Call for Nationwide Teach-Ins, October 17, 18, 19, 2006

From Historians Against the War:

War in Iraq and Across the Middle East!
American Civil Liberties Under Siege!
An Urgent Call for Nationwide Teach-Ins, October 17, 18, 19, 2006

As the violence in Iraq and across the Middle East intensifies, with
the accompanying attack on civil liberties here at home, the need for
an informed public debate is vitally important. However, since the
initial invasion of Iraq, too many of our schools and campuses have
been silent.

In the absence of a draft, the fighting abroad and the changes in our
constitutional order can seem remote. However, as historians we are
acutely aware that the transformations now occurring have far-reaching
implications for our current lives and for future generations.

With mid-term elections scheduled for November, we have the
opportunity to focus campus attention on the vital issues of war and
peace. Why is the United States still occupying Iraq? How and when
can we withdraw? How does the Iraqi occupation relate to the current
crisis in Israel, Palestine and Lebanon? And what are the prospects
for a new war in Iran or Syria? How is the Bush Administration
expanding the powers of the Executive Branch? And what are the
domestic effects of its commitment to a prolonged ?war on terrorism??

Historians Against the War is urging our colleagues across the country
to organize or participate in National Teach-In Days, October 17-19.

If you can help arrange an event at your school on any one of these
three days, please email us at teachin@historiansagainstwar.org so
that we can begin compiling a listing and assisting with resources.
If your organization can endorse this call, please contact us. We
will post this call and additional information on our Teach-In page on
our HAW website. http://www.historiansagainstwar.org/teachin/

While the exact format and themes will reflect the particular needs of
your institution, Historians Against the War will be lining up
speakers, preparing a web-page with helpful ideas, and establishing
connections with national organizations (such as Military Families
Speak Out, Gold Star Parents, Iraq Veterans Against the War!).

The tragedies now unfolding in Iraq and across the Middle East
underscore our responsibility as educators and citizens to enhance
public knowledge, to stimulate thoughtful inquiry, and to end the
American occupation of Iraq. We hope that you can join this urgent

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