Rouge Forum Update

Here is the link to the call for session leaders and participants in the Rouge Forum Conference in Detroit, March 1-4, 2007.

Please forward the link ( to lists that you might consider related.

The Rouge Forum No Blood For Oil page is updated, with articles by Robert Fisk, Sy Hersh, Scott Ritter, and many others, useful for any classroom.

We note that the retreat from the promises of the Democratic Party has already begun, with calls to secure Iraq and its key oil resources, and geo-political position, for US interests. And, while the US cannot contain Baghdad, we witness threats to invade Iran, perhaps using Israel as a proxy. Rumsfield’s replacement, Bob Gates, has lots of experience with Iran and Iraq, having played a role in the Iran Contra scheme, and the Iraqi attack on Iran.

In the US, we suggest that their will be no substantive reform of the NCLB, and instead we will witness more calls for national unity, particularly a call for “National Service,” which might be linked to a military draft, as the Democrats seek to reposition the popularity of the imperial nation and
to recreate trust in government, which is undeserved. The Democrats will, most likely, continue the intensification of the war on working people, here and abroad.

Here is a link to a discussion about the school reform movement, the Big Tests, and what to do.

Our Rouge Forum web page now also highlights the hopeful uprising in Oaxaca which demonstrates the Rouge Forum thesis that educators are well positioned to initiate, if not complete, struggles to end exploitation, for equality and democracy. Here is the link:

AOL users, please note that AOL system administrators may block your email coming from me, following Rouge Forum postings. AOL system administrators refuse to take action to overcome this problem which their system, and theirs alone, creates, even after four months of attempting to work with them. If you are an AOL user, and do not hear back from Rich Gibson or Amber, or others using our system address, that is why it is happening. You might consider getting another account, as AOL wants to rid itself of subscribers anyway.

There are now a dozen Rouge Forum members in Iraq. We sincerely wish you all well.

And we look hopefully at the coming decision in the case of the Grenada 17 which could end their unjust imprisonment in a jail built in the late 1600’s, since 1983.

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