Eliminate No Child Left Behind

Eliminate No Child Left Behind is new web site by the Kings/Tulare UniServ Unit of the California Teachers Association (NEA) with information and resources for organizing to eliminate the NCLB, and the destructive effects it is having on teaching and learning in US schools.

Backers include the Educators’ Rountable, Susan Ohanian.org, and The Rouge Forum.

NCLB should be eliminated because it:

1. Is not scientifically based.

2. Is test driven education and it is not meeting the individual needs of students.

3. Violates the US Constitution.

4. Supports complicity of corporate interests rather than democracy based on public concerns.

5. Fosters coercion over cooperation with regards to federal funding for public education.

6. Does not follow the U.S. Government’s own data on learning. We must take action now!

One comment

  1. I agree – eliminate the entire act! It is absolutely the opposite of what education is all about.

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