Rouge Forum Update: March for Community on the 4th Anniversary of the Empire’s Oil Wars

People all over the world will be demonstrating against the imperial wars initiated by the combined bi-partisan forces of U.S. elites, specifically against the invasion of Iraq. We should be part of this global movement.

We can, at the same time, look at history to see the choice of community or barbarism in social practice as this is also the anniversary of the Paris Commune, March 18, 1871. The conditions that sparked the seizure of Paris by its poor and working people are somewhat parallel to the conditions we witness today: imperial war and another war, the war on poor and working people in every nation. The people of Paris took action, described in this Rouge Forum Broadside.

The latest RF Broadside might go well as a two sided flyer with the classic Shoot Moneybags, Not People, a Rouge Forum graphic.

Hats off to the rebels of Tacoma, Washington, taking direct action against the war machine as seen here in these videos:

A. Police Response Number One
B. Police Response Number Two
C. Resisters respond to charges of initiating the problem

Those who think beforehand about strategy and tactics in situations like this may be able to better guess what should be done.

D. Arrests at peaceful protest

We will have a full report on the minutes of the Rouge Forum Detroit 2007 conference coming out on Sunday evening, together with a call for a discussion about the suggestions for our organization’s development, that is, our new structure.

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