Jewel boxes to JewelSleeves

P1010052.JPGI’m running out room for my CDs and in an effort to save space and make my CDs more easily accessible I’ve ditched the jewel boxes and transfered my CDs to JewelSleeves.

The photo shows 100 jewel boxes on the left. On the right are 100 JewelSleeves holding all the content from the jewel boxes.

Perry, my main man on all things gadget related, tipped me off to the JewelSleeve alternative and I love ’em, especially since I’ve just finished the tedious task of unstuffing and restuffing the CDs and the art.

What’s really cool about the JewelSleeve is that it holds the CD, booklet, and the tray insert, so you can still enjoy the album artwork. And, the JewelSleeves take up about one-quarter of the space of the jewelboxes…

Here’s a video of how the JewelSleeve works.

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