Two new books


A few years ago, I worked with David Gabbard, Sandra Mathison, Kevin Vinson, and Kathleen Kesson to edit a four volume set of books titled Defending Public Schools. The books were published by Praeger (a division of Greenwood Publishing Group) and received some really outstanding reviews.

I very pleased that Teachers College Press has decided to publish two of the DPS books in paperback editions: Education Under the Security State and The Nature and Limits of Standards-Based Reform and Assessment. Both books will be available in July.

The Defending Public Schools set is still available from Greenwood in hardcover, with individual volumes also available as ebooks.

One comment

  1. I am glad you are defending public schools, but I wonder if you could also find a way to highlight the problems posed by a fake superintendent with no actual credentials. I wrote a short quiz about it here:

    Dennis Thompson BackgroundQuiz – Quiz Yourself!

    Feel free to take it; only 10 short multiple choice online questions. And, mention it if you feel it is useful to do so. Thanks, a Florida certified teacher

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