Rouge Forum Update

Dear Friends,

For most of us, school is out for the summer. Oddly enough, the wars continue and the economy is not on vacation. But let us take a breather. Here are the Angry Tired Teachers at the old ballgame.

Good fun, comrades, and study are offered at the San Francisco Freedom School led by Kathy Emery in July and August.

As a summer study interlude, here is a link to David Harvey’s classroom presentations on Karl Marx’s “Capital.” Harvey has taught “Capital” for more than 40 years. The link will hold thirteen two hour classes examining “Capital,” chapter by chapter.

Harvey’s book, “Limits to Capital,” is truly challenging, more that worth the candle. His later, unfortunate, “New Imperialism,” follows the commonplace current liberal call for a new, “New Deal.” That book is reviewed here in JCEPS.

Michael Baker’s path-breaking radio program, Room 101, streams here. Note the recent interviews with test resister Carl Chew and UBC’s Wayne Ross on cutting the schools to war pipeline.

Michael Klare has written for years about the central role of oil in the coming imperial wars. Here he is in Tomgram, reiterating the point that the New York Times only recognized in today’s (Sunday) editorial suggesting that it is rather unseemly for US oil companies to go forward with the seizure of Iraq’s oil assets.

Some of us have yet to receive our hush money from President Bush. But we’re assured it will be here for the hottest months of summer, to keep us shopping while the media ignores the wars (less than 4% of current TV news broadcasting now addresses Iraq or Afghanistan). Perhaps, with just 16 dollars of that hush money, colleagues could offer gift subscriptions to Substance News. Here is a recent Substance article on school resistance and a link for subscribing.

Members of the Rouge Forum from many corners of the earth were up in Vancouver, guests of Wayne Ross and Sandra Mathison at UBC. Here is a link to presentations, complete with powerpoints and photos!

Rouge Forum updates will be sporadic between June and August as we hit the road to promote the resistance–and check out woods to hide in if necessary. We will have updates on the NEA and AFT conventions where leaders hope time will be devoted to anointing new presidents, at $450,000 and $600,000 per year respectively, and the billion dollar election spectacle, while activists will push for serious debate about war, NCLB, and the fight-back against cutbacks.

Up the Rebels!

all the best, r

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