Rouge Forum Update

Dear Friends,

The Rouge Forum No Blood Oil web page is updated. As of this writing, the wars have cost $541 billion.

Of particular interest is Joe Lucido’s idea of visiting Teacher Stores, now, where teachers are stocking up, meeting them with petitions to urge opt outs from the NCLB-driven high stakes exams. Here is a link to one of many petitions.

Chicago students are being urged to conduct a school boycott on the opening day of school, time to be spent applying to schools in the well funded suburbs. Perhaps this action will set the stage for a year of resistance, something well beyond what the organizers now foresee.

In Detroit, the FBI is investigating DPS finances while chaplains invade the schools seeking to pray their way out of one of the most profound social and economic crises in the US (see the comments on the articles as well as those on Susan Ohanian’s web site.

In Kansas City, educators are already picketing for a contract
This is Stephen Krashen on Reading First: Hooked on Phailure .

Here is Chalmers Johnson on the emergence of fascism, militarism, mercenaries, and the promise of endless war. Besides Johnson’s Nemesis Trilogy, people might want to review his early, 1960’s book, Revolutionary Change and, for an update on the many uprisings in Pakistan, Afghanistan, India, and Central Asia, see Rashid, Descent Into Chaos.

And Ravi Kuman reviewing, in brief, the state response to uprisings in India.

The Rouge Forum Steering Committee will meet in Detroit, the weekend of September 27. Suggestions for our work can be sent to

And don’t forget the spectacular Last Chance to Eat Before School Starts And the Sky Falls PotLuck Dinner in Southern California, at our house, on August 9. Be there or be square, and RSVP!

Thanks to Wayne, Kevin, Amber, Susan, Sally, Steve, Ash, Ravi, Dave and Dave, Perry, Shelly, Paul (especially for the correction) Candace, Bob and Tommie (don’t forget to send that stuff), Connie and Doug, John and Mary, Paul and Mary, Sandy and Van, Victoria, Eva, Chris, Toby, and Sharon.

If you’re on Facebook, join the Rouge Forum group.
All the best,


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