Online campaign to help Gaza’s students reach their studies abroad

Currently, hundreds of Palestinian students are trapped in the Gaza Strip – unable to reach the universities around the world to which they have been accepted. Since June of 2007, Israel has imposed a closure on the Strip, violating the right to freedom of movement and other rights for which freedom of movement is a pre-condition, such as the right to access education.

Faced with pressure from world leaders outraged over the ban, Israeli officials declared recently that they would allow exit for just a few dozen students in Gaza holding “recognized scholarships” as a gesture to “friendly countries” but will continue to prevent hundreds of other students from reaching their studies. With each passing day, Gaza’s most talented young people risk losing their places in universities abroad – and losing their chance to pursue their dreams of building a better future in the region.

Further information on this issue is available in Gisha’s report issued in June 2008 and in Gisha’s July 2008 Power Point Presentation.

With the new academic year fast approaching, Gisha – Legal Center for Freedom of Movement is working to persuade Israeli authorities to cancel the ban on students leaving the Gaza Strip and to allow Gaza’s students to reach their studies abroad. One of the ways we are doing so is via a new internet campaign, in which banners featuring the students (see an example of one which I’ve attached below) are passed along through mailing lists and posted on blogs. Clicking on the banner then leads to the campaign’s minisite:, where visitors can send a message to Israeli leaders in support of the right of Palestinian students in Gaza to reach their studies.

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