Mercenaries move into New Orleans

~_blackwater_security.jpg reports that the most feared mercenaries in the world, from Blackwater security firm, are now patroling the streets of New Orleans, some sporting the badges of the Louisiana state police on their chests and their Blackwater IDs on their arms. This report is confirmed by press releases on the Blackwater web site.

Blackwater mecernaries have been murdering civilians in Iraq as part of the US-lead occupation force. Private security firms are running amok in Iraq. Bri. Gen Karl R. Horst, deputy commander of the 3rd Infantry Division, which is responsible for security in and around Bagdad told the Washington Post “These guys [Blackwater mercenaries] run loose in this country and do stupid stuff. There’s no authority over them, so you can’t come down on them hard when they excalate force. They shoot people and someone else has to deal with the aftermath. It happens all over the place.”

Mercenaries are playing a significant role in Iraq as part of the rise of private armies. For more on this phenomenon see Corporate Warriors by P W Singer.

One comment

  1. Are you joking “We torture and kill for the highest bidder” hahaha your alife cause of them and the ends do justfiy the means …i rather have a terroist be tourted for the warabouts of a teero stirke against me and my family…You also doctored the photo alot i like that took out the saying to protect freedom and democracy where ever it maybe or something like that been a while ……then u show the Black ops being dragged though the street …men how had familys and your discrasing them…you should be discraed then showing Truckers !! ..they have no differnce they can take it thats why Black water does it ..cause the truckers cant carry a weapon and when your attacked by terroist i’d like to have a firearm……and the goverment has used them thats right …but only 1000 of them out the like 150000 or so there ….so get ur facts right its not JUST BLACK WATER OPS… people ..need to check it all out before doing this….yes they where in new orleans so …the police couldnt be every where at once…you now what a logisticlac night mare that had to be…thank a marine for your defacing of america and black water…there Ex soldiers Saliors and marines..they’ve severed and bled fo r this country

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