The militarization/whitewashing of New Orleans aka New Oraq

From Democracy Now!: Militarization of New Orleans [read the transcript, listen or watch streaming video on the Democracy Now! web site.

Jeremy Scahill reports from Louisiana on the invasion of mercenaries from Blackwater, B.A.T.S., and Israeli paramilitary (former members of Shin Biet, GSS, and IDF) into New Orleans and the how the US government is handing out contracts to Republican cronies. Scahill also reports that the business community in New Orleans is discussing how the economic and racial demographics of the city can be change to reduce the number of poor and black residents.

“I mean, what they’re really trying to do is to settle the poor and the African-American populations of New Orleans elsewhere. And to make New Orleans a nice, white city, for white, rich businessmen. There’s no other way to put it. That’s exactly what we’re seeing right now. They want to take areas for instance like the ninth ward and turn them into big — you know, Wal-Mart type neighborhoods. In fact, we heard mayor Nagin talk yesterday about how one of the first things they want to do is set up a gigantic Wal-Mart so people returning can have a place to shop in New Orleans. This hurricane is the greatest thing to happen to Wal-Mart since the superstore. And this is a very serious racist series of actions that we’re seeing here right now. This is has everything to do with class and everything to do with race, and it’s very, very frightening. And yes, we attended a conference where grassroots activists are talking about a plan for rebuilding New Orleans, but it’s on right now, and they’re not a part of it. The people that are a part of it are old-time Louisiana white Republican families working in conjunction with their friend, mayor Ray Nagin, and there’s no other way to put it. They love Ray Nagin. He’s pro-business. He’s their guy.

Look at the comments of James Rice, a local businessman, who is one of the leaders of the private Audubon Place, the gated community. The only privately owned in the city of New Orleans. He told The Wall Street Journal, “Those who want to see this city rebuilt want to see it done in a completely different way, demographically, geographically and politically. I’m not just speaking for myself here. The way we have been living is not going to happen again or we’re out.”

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