UBC faculty, staff, student demo in support of teachers

Approximately 60 people came out to support BC teachers at a demonstration on the UBC campus this morning. The demo was at the site of The University Transition School, a VSB school on UBC’s campus.

Representatives from the UBC FA, CUPE 116, CUPE 2278; CUPE 2950; University Hill Secondary teachers; and the BCTF spoke to the picketers as did a University Hill Secondary student.

Photo Gallery of UBC Demo

UBC 10.12crowd

CM UBC demo

SP speaking

UBC demo crowd close

UBC demo student teacher




  1. As a Vancouver high school teacher, it was nice to see UBC people supporting us. That said, it was a little disheartening to hear that only 60 were at the rally. That’s a little too low, to my way of thinking, when one considers the draconian measures against collective bargaining and civil society in general that continue to be taken by the BC government, all in the service of the neoliberal agenda (formerly known as laissez faire policy).

  2. Dear Paul and Others. Yes, 60 won’t shake the world, but take a look at how one of the teachers who have been picketing that site had to say:

    “The teachers at the University Transition Program were very impressed by those who came out to show their support at the rally this morning. We are a committed group, very much committed to teaching, but also to there being a fair settlement for teachers, for students and for our education system in this province. We believe in public education and in a fair collective bargaining process. We feel strongly that our actions are right. Being just four lonely picketers at the Transition Program, we have appreciated those who show their support by joining our line, stopping by, waving, or even honking. The support this morning was especially encouraging, especially in the face of Justice Brenda Brown’s ruling to do what she can to make this impact individual teachers. Please everyone, keep doing what you can to support teachers all over this province.”

    See: http://weblogs.elearning.ubc.ca/newproposals/archives/018748.html

  3. i’m one of those students that attends the Transition Program. Even though i support the fact that the teachers are striking against the BC government, i really see no point setting up a demo at a school with more or less 40 students and 4 teachers. Why not go to a larger school where a demonstration would have a much larger effect?

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