UBC Roundtable on the Teachers’ Strike

UBC Roundtable on the Teachers’ Strike

WHEN: Wednesday November 9th at 4:30 pm
WHERE: Chemistry Building, room 126. CHEMISTRY BUILDING EAST WING; Also called Building C. For map, click here

Jinny Sims, President BCTF
Catherine Evans, President BC Society for Public Education
Paul Orlowski, Vancouver Secondary Teacher
Kevin Millsip, Trustee Vancouver School Board
Larry Kuehn, Director of Research and Technology, BCTF
Charles Menzies, Parent Advisory Council member
E. Wayne Ross, Professor, Faculty of Education, UBC

THEME: A roundtable discussion on the significance of the teachers’ strike and struggle for public education in British Columbia.

FORMAT: A panel of presenters representing teachers, parents, and researchers will each speaker for 5 to 10 minutes each. This will be followed by a moderated discussion of the significance of the teachers’ strike.

Download flyer here.

UBC Department of Anthropology and Sociology
UBC Department of Curriculum Studies
UBC Department of Political Science
UBC Centre for Research in Women’s Studies and Gender Relations
Workplace: A Journal for Academic Labor
New Proposals Publishing Society

This event is being organized by Charles Menzies, Stephen Petrina, and E. Wayne Ross, for further information please feel free to contact any of the organizers.

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