Kansas: Police investigate assault on professor who planned course critical of intelligent design

In an apparent effort to disprove that humans are evolving, two Kansas men beat up the University of Kansas religion professor whose proposed course on the “mythology” of intelligent design sparked an uproar last month.

Inside Higher Ed: reports Professor Paul Mirecki was treated Monday for injuries during what law enforcement officials are calling an “aggravated battery” on him.

“Mirecki reported that while driving on a rural road, he pulled over when two men in a pickup truck seemed to be following him too closely. While Mirecki expected them to pass, they too pulled over, and attacked him. While he was briefly treated at a local hospital, he was able to teach at the university later in the day.

A spokeswoman for the Douglas County sheriff’s department said that “aggravated battery” means either that a beating was particularly intense or involved an object.”

Mirecki had proposed a course called “Special Topics in Religion: Intelligent Design, Creationism, and Other Religious Mythologies.” The title itself angered intelligent-design proponents, who objected to being lumped in with “other religious mythologies.”

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