The police state in CT high schools: Say #!%* and Pay $$$, Hartford Tells High School Students

The New York Times: reports that Hartford, CT public high schools have “authorized police officers assigned to two of the city’s public high schools to begin issuing tickets to students who hurl expletives. The fine: $103.

“The officers have issued about 60 tickets to students at Bulkeley and Hartford High Schools in what several experts think is the first such effort in the country. There are already signs that the new approach may be working, some teachers and principals said. Fights have decreased, classrooms are calmer and there is less cursing in the corridors.”

The tickets accuse students of creating “a public distrubance” and require them to appear in Superior Court.

Hmm, sounds like Singapore, or percursor to the thought police … wonder if they teach 1984 in the English classes in Hartford?

Meanwhile in Ohio, an appeals court has upheld a law intended to limit the parties held by students at Bowling Green State University. Well…aye zigga zumba zumba.

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