Today’s Vancouver Sun published an article by religion and ethics writer Douglas Todd on the “multicultural Christmas” celebrations at Sir Richard McBride Elementary and how students there “balance” their own ethnicity with diverse (sometimes new) cultural traditions.
McBride, on Vancouver’s eastside, is my son’s school and his good buddy Codie Schultheis has some insightful comments on Christmas celebrations in public schools.
When I asked Codie Schultheis, 11, one of the few dozen white students at McBride, what he thought of some secularists’ argument that neither Christmas nor Christian symbols should be allowed in any way in public schools, he looked perplexed.
“I don’t get offended when the school celebrates Divali [the Hindu-Sikh festival],” retorted the Grade 6 student, who added his family is not particularly religious.
“I love Christmas. I just try to be happy when it’s around. I don’t know, people who say we shouldn’t have Christmas in the school here should go to a school in China. I bet they wouldn’t stop celebrating Chinese New Year there because some Canadians were in the school.”
Saturday » December 24 » 2005
Vancouver Sun
A multicultural Christmas
CELEBRATIONS I Sir Richard McBride students balance ethnicity with new traditions
Douglas Todd
Vancouver Sun
Saturday, December 24, 2005
CREDIT: Bill Keay, Vancouver Sun
On the gym wall at Sir Richard McBride elementary school on East 29th Avenue is a sign that encourages students to respect each other, regardless of their cultural backgrounds.
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‘Tis the season of Christmas trees and Santa Claus expectations inside the old, red brick walls of Sir Richard McBride elementary on East 29th Avenue in Vancouver.
‘Tis also the season of Silent Night and sparing a thought for the hungry; of children growing excited about big family dinners, multicoloured lights and piles of gifts.
Just as when I was a kid at Richard McBride in the early 1960s.
Or not.
There are a few differences.
One is that, when I was at McBride, nearly every student was white — with the exception of two Chinese children (one of whom I had a crush on in Grade 2. Vice versa, I like to think.)
Now, the stately three-storey heritage school, built in 1911 and named in honour of a B.C. premier from the early 1900s, is attended by students who speak at least 22 languages in their homes — most of them Asian.
McBride is on the untidy front lines of Canada’s immigration, language and multicultural policies. Even though four out of five of McBride’s 440 students were born in Canada, the vast majority enter kindergarten as English-as-a-second-language students.
Their most common first language is some form of Chinese, spoken in the homes of 172 McBride children.
That’s followed by Tagalog, from the Philippines, which is the language used in 66 McBride students’ homes. Then comes English (60 homes) Vietnamese (58 homes) Punjabi (33 homes) and Tamil (10 homes).
There are also children whose home languages are Urdu, Japanese, Thai, Persian, Portuguese, Spanish, German, Cambodian, or something else.
McBride — located in the middle of a pleasantly jumbled middle-class neighbourhood between Fraser and Knight streets, where small, well-kept heritage homes frequently butt against blocky new houses and unkempt ones — has become one of those urban Canadian public schools that have turned into social laboratories.
McBride has become a living test case, where all the theorizing about multiculturalism by Canadian and international policy makers, cultural scholars, economists, religious leaders, multiculturalism and the politically correct actually comes to a head.
Is it working?
I went to find out how Christmas is marked at McBride compared with when I was a student, thinking it would be a way to check if Canadian-style multiculturalism is proving effective on the ground, or deteriorating into a grand failure.
Could a public school that mixes large cohorts of Sikh, Hindu, Christian, Muslim, Buddhist, agnostic, ancestor-revering and atheist kids pull off living and learning together, without many people somehow ending up irritated or offended?
Christmas is one of those times that can get up people’s noses as too commercial, too sentimental, too emotionally demanding, too invasive or too Christian.
But I found a lot of Christmas energy flowing at McBride.
My first discovery was that neither I nor the teachers could uncover a single student who didn’t have a Christmas tree at home.
And, despite their mostly Asian ethnic origins, almost every student I interviewed said they would receive at least some gifts, and have some sort of extended family dinner on Christmas Day. When turkey is on the table, they said, it will likely be served with rice, steamed vegetables or curry dishes.
The widespread embracing of elements of Canadian-style Christmas at McBride suggested to me that it’s becoming a secular spiritual festival appreciated by far more than European-rooted Christians.
Most of the predominantly Asian-Canadian students at McBride seemed as intoxicated as I remember most white kids were in my days at the school; giddy at all the good, Christmassy things suddenly flowing their way.
“There’s just a different atmosphere at Christmas,” said Benjamin Pan, 12, whose non-religious parents immigrated from China.
“There’s the Christmas trees and the lights and the food and the gifts, which all make you feel happier.”
Standing near one of the two decorated Christmas trees in McBride’s hallways, under which were piled hundreds of cans for the Vancouver Food Bank, Pan said he liked at Christmas how “there’s all the kindness and giving to less fortunate people, which should be part of any religion.”
I don’t really have bad memories of my early years at McBride (I left after Grade 3 for North Vancouver), nor do I recall anyone expressing racist beliefs, but the rows of desks were, of course, perfectly straight in my day. The wall colours were more dour.
And I do remember on days that poured rain we were forced to stay for recess inside McBride’s high-ceilinged basement. Some teacher with a British accent would stop our noisiness by forcing us to line up against the basement wall for the entire 15 minutes. If we dared moved, he’d rifle a volleyball at us. That was Grade 1.
Nor are the maps of the world at Sir Richard McBride any longer dominated by the colour pink, marking the British Empire, as they were for my generation — and especially when my mother, aunt and uncle attended the school during the Second World War.
God Save the King and then God Save the Queen were also sung at McBride in those days, and the British-based Canadian Red Ensign was honoured as the nation’s flag.
Since then, of course, in the name of secularism and multiculturalism the singing of God Save the Queen has disappeared from McBride, Bible readings are gone — and the Lord’s Prayer is no longer recited each morning.
I can remember earnestly repeating the Christian prayer sitting at our desks. Even though I was from a non-religious family, I took it seriously, and certainly didn’t protest it. But I also had little notion of what it was about.
Yet, despite the understandable removal of explicit British and religious ritual from Canadian public schools, vestiges of traditional Christmas, with its sacred underpinnings, are still allowed in 2005 to have their moment at Sir Richard McBride.
When I asked Codie Schultheis, 11, one of the few dozen white students at McBride, what he thought of some secularists’ argument that neither Christmas nor Christian symbols should be allowed in any way in public schools, he looked perplexed.
“I don’t get offended when the school celebrates Divali [the Hindu-Sikh festival],” retorted the Grade 6 student, who added his family is not particularly religious.
“I love Christmas. I just try to be happy when it’s around. I don’t know, people who say we shouldn’t have Christmas in the school here should go to a school in China. I bet they wouldn’t stop celebrating Chinese New Year there because some Canadians were in the school.”
Even though I was raised an atheist, I could relate to the way many of McBride’s current students, including those who aren’t religious, were exuberant about the approach of Christmas.
As my friends and I did in the early 1960s, most of the McBride pupils talked about trying to believe in the magic of Santa Claus and his present-giving as long as they could.
And like my fun-loving mom, who seemed to like all the Christmas fuss as much as my brother and I did, many have parents who get a kick out of the holiday. Twelve-year-old Nathan Dong said his extended family always buys joke gifts, like “a pair of pink shoes for my uncle, who’s the biggest, buffest guy in our family.”
Then again, one thing that’s new at McBride, compared with my era, is that when the season comes, the multiracial school also pulls out the stops to celebrate at least two other major cultural festivals — Chinese New Year and Divali.
Chinese New Year, with its emphasis on cosmic good fortune, arrives at McBride in January with gusto. Dragon dancers, Chinese lanterns and Chinese games are brought in. And parents, some of whom run restaurants, serve a Chinese lunch, says principal Sandra Phillips, who has been at McBride for five years.
For Divali, which is a celebration of spiritual light, many girls come to school in October dressed in saris and perform Indian dances at a special assembly. The school’s Sikh and Hindu parents also bring sweets and prepare a feast of Indian food, says Phillips, the most multiculturally enthusiastic and least uptight principal I’ve ever met.
In contrast to many school trustees across North America, Grade 7 student Benjamin Pan didn’t think Christmas, Christianity, Hinduism, Sikhism, Judaism, Chinese folk traditions or any other faith should be barred from public schools.
“We should recognize all religions, and not just smear them together,” Pan said.
To further help bring an awareness of diversity into the schools, Phillips says Remembrance Day assemblies at McBride are often devoted to appreciating families’ historical roots.
As well as following a wide variety of religions, some parents of McBride students are refugees who have escaped war. Many parents, struggling with English, work two jobs, which makes it hard for them to become involved in school life — where the majority of teachers are white, although there are a number with Indo-Canadian, Chinese and Japanese roots.
At Remembrance Day ceremonies, children often wear traditional ethnic costumes, pepper a map of the world with pins showing their own or their parents’ country of origin, and talk about why their parents chose to move to Canada.
To round out the multicultural approach at McBride, Phillips has strived to keep the school’s eclectic ethnic and religious mix of kids held together by some shared values.
Wall posters, for instance, extol the global virtues of “optimism,” “curiosity,” “perseverance” and “honesty.”
Another hall sign champions tolerance by forbidding homosexual slurs, including “You’re so gay.” The poster says such bullying is as bad as racism.
More ecumenical ethics are captured in the lyrics of a song by B.C.’s Holly Arntzen, Soar Like an Eagle, which Arntzen and the principal recently adapted to become McBride’s anthem.
The words to Soar Like an Eagle, which are posted in the school gymnasium, call on McBride students to celebrate their differences at the same time they reach for a common goal — to respect and care for one another.
At McBride, in line with these pluralistic times, what we used to call the annual Christmas concert now goes by the more open-ended title, Winter Concert.”
There is no longer a theatrical production about the birth of Jesus Christ, like the one at McBride in the late 1950s in which my older brother played one of the bearded wise men. Nor did the students perform Charles Dickens’ British classic, A Christmas Carol, in which my uncle played Scrooge in the 1940s.
But McBride’s kaleidoscopic concert would have been a tough event to sit through for a secular purist; someone who wants to erase all aspects of spirituality from the public square.
Multiculturalism manifested itself at the annual McBride concert in ways that make the head swim — as cultures bumped up against each other on stage in confusing, endearing, often amusing ways.
Here are some scenes from McBride’s Winter Concert:
A dark-skinned boy from the ESL kindergarten class, with his black hair tied in a Sikh head-knot, joined his class in holding a green paper Christmas tree in front of his body. He and his classmates then formed the shape of an evergreen and recited, in palpitating English, The Straight Green Tree.
A tall, ethnic-Asian boy dressed up as a roly-poly Santa Claus to help perform songs like Must Be Santa and I’m Getting Nothin’ for Christmas, sometimes accompanied by Asian children wearing green elf hats and gigantic beige elf ears.
A Chinese boy sang a sweet solo rendition of It’s Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas.
Two lively Jewish songs were performed, The Dreidl and Hanukkah Tonight (whose lyrics, projected overhead, referred to a “miracle divine”) — even though McBride’s teachers don’t think there’s a Jewish child at the school.
Despite the directions of the Vancouver school board and many others across the continent, the Sikh, Hindu and non-religious kids sang some sacred Christmas carols, including Noel, Noel and Ding Dong Merrily on High (which mentions heaven, angels and steeple bells).
As in my day at McBride, Silent Night was sung.
With its reference to the “holy night” in which Jesus Christ was wondrously born to a virgin mother, the classic carol sounded tender coming from the lips of the diverse singers. One of them, Mahdia Merzed, a Muslim, later said she found Silent Night “sad” but she liked it.
Finally, children from scores of different backgrounds crammed together on stage to sing a rousing rendition of Shine a Light for Peace. For a moment it sounded like a concert from Live 8, the concert series in the G-8 countries and South Africa this year in advance of the G-8 conference in Scotland.
The starry eyed kids were having a ball, enjoying the limelight, their parents’ chaotic camera work and their own often-impressive performances — as well as the sense that Christmas freedom was in the air.
Many of the parents, grandparents and relatives who watched the afternoon concert had taken precious hours away from their jobs. With toddlers in tow, many flowed in and out of the gymnasium with casual, sometimes distracted, abandon.
But many also looked proud and said later they were pleased.
“The children did a beautiful job,” said Selva Kanbiah, a Hindu cabinetmaker from Sri Lanka, who said he had no trouble with the sacred songs tinged with Christian and Jewish themes.
“I think about my children and enjoy what they enjoy. My children like it, so I have to celebrate it. We live here now.”
Bill Dong, a Chinese-Canadian, welcomed the traditional Christmas elements in McBride’s Winter Concert.
“We adhere to the North American tolerant way,” he said. “We respect every culture and religion, but also take everything with a grain of salt.”
When the Winter Concert was over, McBride’s music teacher, Lisa Reimer, who almost single-handedly directed the children through the 90-minute event, looked tired but satisfied.
The number-one reason Reimer says she’s determined to include sacred choral music in the Winter Concert is her conviction such carols are of far higher quality than most of the “cheesy” secular tunes usually trotted out at Christmas.
“I use Silent Night because vocally it’s a really great teaching piece. It seems to be quite magical for kids. They take it really seriously.”
Reimer, 30, says the other reasons she includes a few Christian-rooted carols are that a large proportion of the students seem to be Christian — and, for those who are not, it’s a good thing to learn aspects of the Christian story.
“You don’t have to believe it.”
The Jewish songs are added to the Winter Concert mix, added Reimer, because they have a strong beat, creative melodies and tell some Jewish history.
“It’s a way of honouring Jewish people. The students will meet Jewish people in their lives, so it’s a way of celebrating diversity.”
Reimer, who doesn’t attend any religious institution, says in her five years of teaching music she’s slowly learned to be more “tolerant” of bringing religion-rooted songs into public schools.
Even though the Vancouver school board “technically” disallows sacred music in the classroom, Reimer says, she would go to the Supreme Court of Canada to fight for the right to teach sacred music. So would a lot of other teachers.
There is a lot of crummy winter-oriented music currently being written in the U.S. for public schools that want to avoid bringing religious songs into the classroom, says Reimer, who leads her own acclaimed children’s choir, called Zing!
“Unfortunately some music teachers are choosing the U.S. material because it’s safe and it’s secular and it’s about snow. It’s really scary,” she said.
“It’s a lot better to honour good quality music that happens to be sacred. That teaches us a lot more about diversity than trying to ignore religion.”
Sakshi Bali, 8, is Sikh. Her parents are from the Kashmir region of India. With a huge smile, she says she loves Christmas, but her favourite religious holiday is the five days of Divali.
Still, Bali can capably recite the basic elements of the Christian Christmas story about Jesus’s birth in a stable — far better than I could at her age.
“Jesus had to be born in Bethlehem because there was some sort of tax thingy,” Bali said, noting she’d learned some of the story in class, but also elsewhere.
“The wise men visited the stable and people say Jesus had a halo around his head. I sort of like the story of Jesus — except for the end, when he dies.”
It’s almost impossible to keep track of the dizzying variety of cultural-spiritual beliefs held by students at McBride.
But the dozen or so children I met at Sir Richard McBride seemed comfortable with celebrating what have become the near-universal aspects of Christian-rooted Christmas, like Santa Claus and Christmas trees.
All four Grade 3s that I interviewed, including Shawn Thai, 8, whose non-religious parents are from Vietnam, said they receive gifts at Christmas and have family dinners — some modest, some huge, with up to 40 people attending.
At the same time, the students seemed genuinely interested in each others’ faiths and beliefs, including when world religions are taught in class.
“It’s cool. It’s interesting,” said Sakshi Bali.
“When someone’s against religion, I get bothered,” added her chipper Grade 3 friend, Kayashai Jenkins, 8, whose mom is from the Philippines and dad is from New Jersey.
Jenkins sometimes attends Catholic mass. While many of the Chinese and Vietnamese students at McBride don’t explicitly practise any faith, except perhaps Asian folk religion and ancestor reverence, most of the Filipino children are Catholic.
Thaddeus Salvo and Justine Felizarta, both 11, are Canadian-Filipino Catholics for whom Christmas is a big deal. They firmly believe in the virgin birth of Jesus, that he came to Earth so they could be saved and that Christmas is a time when angels are especially active in the world.
“There are angels in this neighbourhood,” said Felizarta. “Sometimes I feel them following me, as my guardians.”
Salvo’s family follows many Christmas traditions, including midnight mass. They also write the names of family members on Christmas tree ornaments and recite prayers for the loved ones. As well, the family often stays up late on Christmas Eve playing the Filipino card game Tongix.
A couple of the non-religious ethnic Chinese children I met at McBride were more lukewarm about Christmas, saying that, even though they may have a Christmas tree and family meal, the holiday wasn’t that big a deal in their home.
But none of the children wanted to get rid of Christmas, arguing that no one in their right mind wants to turn down its presents.
“I mean, what kid doesn’t like getting clothes or chocolates?” said Wendy Chan, 12, whose parents are from China.
Neha Vershaya, a Grade 7 student who is Hindu, said her family becomes quite involved in this festive season.
Her family marks Christmas by decorating a tree, putting a singing Santa Claus figurine in their window and having a big Indian food feast.
The Hindu family also trades Christmas gifts with their next-door neighbours — who are Chinese.
The funny thing was almost every student I talked to, including those who could be classified as atheists, like me in my youth, had struggled in one way or another with whether to remain convinced by Santa’s magic.
Many, like Nathan Dong, 12, described the day they caught their parents in the act of playing Santa. Or they joked that at least they acted like they believed in Santa because they didn’t want to pass on his presents.
The Grade 3s were most cautious about answering whether they still believed in Santa Claus, knowing the subject can be controversial at their age — except, that is for Mahdia Merzed, 8, who was born in Afghanistan.
When Merzed, whose family is Muslim, boldly declared — several times — she has never believed in Santa Claus, it caused eight-year-old Sakshi Bali, a Sikh, to laugh.
Bali then urged Merzed not to declare her lack of belief in Santa around really young and more impressionable children.
You’ve got to be tolerant of other people’s beliefs, the Grade 3s eventually agreed — whether it’s a conviction Santa can fly through the sky with reindeer, or something much more adult.
If such a thing can be measured across time, the students I met and watched at Sir Richard McBride almost seemed happier, more relaxed, than we did when we attended McBride 40 years ago. The school’s atmosphere seems more fluid.
That old British-style strictness is gone.
As my relatives remember, despite the ferocity of battle during the Second World War in Europe and East Asia, there wasn’t really much fervent jingoism expressed at the school during those days. But there may have been an unspoken belief among some of the teachers through much of the 1900s that one of the purposes of McBride was to advance British civilization.
It could have been worse. The British heritage did bring Canada, and especially B.C., a lot of good things, like parliamentary democracy and a commitment to individual freedom, basic equality and justice.
But, like a lot of nationalistic cultures of the 20th century, the British ethos may have also given the old McBride a severity and uniformity.
This experimental multicultural era at McBride seems more unpredictable, and more exciting.
And the beauty of the kind of multiculturalism that seems to be happening at Sir Richard McBride at Christmas and throughout the year is that it’s not just about acceptance of differences. At its worst, that could lead to a sense of anything goes, to a kind of cultural chaos and fragmentation.
I expect the approach the principal, teachers and most students at McBride are now taking would gladden the hearts and minds of some of the world’s more notable multicultural theorists, including Princeton University’s Jeffrey Stout, University of B.C.’s Philip Resnick and McGill University’s Charles Taylor.
These philosophers, in their own way, say that multiculturalism, including religious pluralism, can’t truly be successful if people of different backgrounds aren’t willing to agree on at least some common ethics.
That doesn’t mean everyone in Canada, old timer or newcomer, has to celebrate Christmas, which extols universal moral values such as kindness, fellowship and concern for the poor. But it may not hurt.
Without some overarching values, the philosophers say we’ll end up with nations divided into self-ghettoized, ethno-religious enclaves. We won’t have multiculturalism, but something much more vapid — serial monoculturalism.
What are some moral principles to which we can all adhere, despite our different ethnicities and religions?
Scholars name some of those values as tolerance, responsible citizenship, individual freedom and democracy.
McBride’s principal, Sandra Phillips, wonders if all those terms can’t be summed up in the phrase, “mutual respect.”
This cluster of ethical principles sound much like the ideals highlighted in the school’s theme song, Soar Like an Eagle.
Every student is expected to memorize the lyrics of the rousing anthem, which are posted in giant letters — alongside the words of O Canada — above the gym stage, where the annual Winter Concert took place.
The words of Soar Like an Eagle are there to be seen by all the students, teachers and parents who’ve somehow managed to arrive at McBride elementary from all corners of the planet:
The school’s anthem begins:
“We all have our freedom,
share a common aim
We’re all different; still we’re all the same
Come into our schoolyard, what can you see?
Children who respect each other, caring, sharing, all together.”
Then comes the chorus:
“Tell me . . . How do we get there?
Most of us can’t fly.
Soar like an eagle, have an open mind.
Rising on the updraft, sun on your wings,
You can see so many things.”
© The Vancouver Sun 2005
Copyright © 2005 CanWest Interactive, a division of CanWest MediaWorks Publications, Inc.. All rights reserved.
For many years I have been teaching elementary school with much the same attitude that you have written about in this article. We must be inclusive and not exculsive when dealing with our students. I am now reaching the end of my career. I don’t have too many more Christmas concerts to go. Yes here in Ontario we still call them Christmas concerts in some places. I however, do my best to include a representational segment of music and content according to whatever the student body is at the school that I am currently at. I am saddened by what I currently hear coming out of Quebec. I found your blog looking for some ideas for this years concert. Thank you for writing about the school. It is nice to know that so many other schools across the nation are doing the same thing as the ones in my own board. I think it is important to NOT throw the “baby out with the bath water”. The best thing I saw on the subject was a cartoon. Three children were sitting at a principal’s office. The first one because he said the “F” word. The second one because he said the “F” word. The third one because he said Christmas. We must respect the majority rights too. All of our children need to be respected and nurturted and taught to treated each other and their beliefs that way. Again thankyou for your article.
Chris MacLeod