Pledging Allegiance: What should we teach our children about patritoism?

pastedGraphic.jpgThe April 2006 issue of Phi Delta Kappan included a special section on Patriotism and Education, Guest Edited by Dr. Joel Westheimer, Faculty of Education, University of Ottawa.

To gain access to the contents of the special section, simply download this file. Each article is linked from the table of contents.

I joined several of the authors from this special issue of Phi Delta Kappan for a panel at the American Educaitonal Research Association meeting in San Francisco this past April, which was a follow-up to our “Shut Up and March” session at AERA in 2005.

You can download a copy of my remarks for this year’s session—”Threats to Democracy and Education in Post 9/11 Schooling and What Can be Done About It”—here.

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