Great white north remains file sharing paradise, for now

Last night, using a peer-to-peer filesharing program called Limewire, I downloaded three mp3 files of tunes by 80s glam metal band Motley Crue. This morning I was relieved to find out that I still can’t be prosecuted for this act, except on the basis of taste.

Unlike the current situation in the USA, file sharing is legal in Canada, for now. The Canadian Recording Industry Associaiton is trying to change that, but a three-judge panel yesterday ruled against that the CRIA’s attempt to make internet service providers disclose the names of online music sharers.

The panel did give CRIA a chance to refile their claim after providing more up-to-date information, so the attacks on filesharing will certainly continue. In the meantime it’s great to know I download “Dr. Feelgood” with a clean conscience, at least as far legal issues go.

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