Rouge Forum Conference: Their Wars Left Behind

Call for Session Leaders and Active Participants

The Rouge Forum


Their Wars Left Behind: Education for Action

March 1-4, 2007
Wayne State University
Detroit Michigan

This interactive conference will focus on the question of building a caring education community while, at the same time, building serious resistance to inequality, racism, sexism, imperialism, and war-in schools and out. This conference is designed to connect reflection and action, reason and organizing, teaching and social change. Please come prepared to both lead and participate.

We ask that you offer sessions that begin with critical questions, and prepare to lead discussions. Please understand that some workshops may be combined, depending on space limitations and attendance. We will communicate with all session leaders for consensus on combinations.

Possible Session Proposals Could Include:

  • Standardized testing, regimented curricula—and war—what’s the connection, if any?
  • Shall we confront the militarization of schools—how?
  • How can we teach the connections, and disconnections, of the media and war?
  • Why and How; the development of our own media centers.
  • Will the arts and aesthetics survive an imperial education—how?
  • What can be learned from the Detroit, Oaxaca and other, strikes, and how can it be taught?
  • Is teaching, or any school work, really labor and what value do teachers create anyway?
  • Can the immigration movement and border activism be a part of the curriculum, and education action in schools and out? How?
  • Why have school?
  • Schooling and sex/gender—what is up with that?
  • How can school workers connect capitalism, imperialism, war, and daily life in school?
  • Is it possible to teach against racism inside segregated schools, and if so how?
  • How can the Hard Sciences, like math, be linked to social justice education?
  • What is the role of labor law for educators in classrooms, and on the streets?
  • How would Marx evaluate education today?
  • How to teach for solidarity and class consciousness against opportunism?
  • Freire: Liberator or just another new boss?
  • Can educators initiate regional or local workers councils?
  • Why do the education unions look as they do, and what is to be done with them?

Tentative Schedule:
Thursday Evening: Ground Zen, a play by Bill Boyer followed by a discussion centered on the purpose of the conference.

Friday and Saturday: Workshops during the day, followed by a brief plenary each day.
Ground Zen each evening.

Luncheon Speakers scheduled: Susan Ohanian, E. Wayne Ross, Patrick Shannon, Rich Gibson, George Schmidt

Sunday: Plenary: Organizing and proposals for action

Presenters: please email proposals to Rich Gibson at

Registration: $25 donation, or more. No one will be turned away for registration fees.

You may preregister at PayPal (below) , or email Rich Gibson at

Child care will be available. Request housing information at registration.

Exhibitors welcomed.


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