Rouge Forum Update

atwcov.jpgDear Friends,

The Rouge Forum Conference, March 1-4 in lovely downtown Detroit, will be unlike any other conference this year. We will connect the real links between the empire’s wars, schools, regimented curricula, high stakes testing, segregation and inequality with action-oriented participatory workshops led by some of the most prominent thinkers and activists anywhere. We will draw participants from three continents, five nations. The updated schedule is linked here.
Please circulate widely.

One conference presenter would like to share a room in the Ferry Street Inn, near Wayne State’s campus. Potential roomies please contact me.

Here is a most informative link by Lloyd Conway about why he was prepared to go to Iraq.

Chalmers Johnson speaks about Nemesis.

Several school systems have adopted Joel Andreas’ fine Addicted to War book. Yours could too. Andreas also published The Incredible Rocky, a history of the Rockefeller family.

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