Two top guns shoot blanks

The New York Times‘ Frank Rich has done more to expose fake news than just about anyone. In his column today, he draws a parallel between the war in Iraq and H.G. Wells’ War of the Worlds…and between W and Tom Cruise (star of Speilberg’s cinematic adaptation of Wells’ classic story).

The shelf life of the fakery that sold the war has also expired. On June 7, a Washington Post/ABC News poll found for the first time that a majority of Americans believe the war in Iraq has not made the United States safer. A week later Gallup found that a clear majority (59 percent) wants to withdraw some or all American troops. Most Americans tell pollsters the war isn’t “worth it,” and the top reasons they cite, said USA Today, include “fraudulent claims and no weapons of mass destruction found” and “the belief that Iraq posed no threat to the United States.” The administration can keep boasting of the Iraqi military’s progress in taking over for Americans and keep maintaining that, as Dick Cheney put it, the insurgency is in its “last throes.” But when even the conservative Republican congressman who pushed the House cafeteria to rename French fries “freedom fries” (Walter B. Jones of North Carolina) argues for withdrawal, it’s fruitless. Once a story line becomes incredible, it’s hard to get the audience to fall for it again.

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