Rouge Forum Update

Dear Friends,

The Rouge Forum No Blood For Oil Profits is updated at

Those good for our lifetimes posters attacking the perpetual oil wars are on sale, cheap!

But this week we want to call attention to a key appeal for support. Susan Ohanian’s web page has been a vital resource for educators and community people. With a handful of others, she initiated a petition against the NCLB which drew 30,000 plus signatures, and was quickly attacked by the president of the National Education Association, Reg Weaver (now busy trying to dismantle the NEA employees’ own pension fund).

Susan need some financial help to keep her web page going. Send what you can to:
P. O. Box 370
Charlotte, Vermont 05445

And remember to subscribe to Substance News, the best hard-copy material being published on educational and social issues today. Just 16 dollars a year!

5132 W. Berteau
Chicago, IL 60641-1440

In addition, radical educator Michael Baker was recently removed from his Nebraska classroom, never to return, for showing the film, Baghdad ER—and probably for creating his radio program, Room 101. The story of his dismissal is here.

and a link to the radio program “Room 101” is here…subscribe to the podcast.

Given that there may be another California Grocery Strike, readers might want to forward this piece analysing the last strike to their favorite grocer workers.

Our peace and justice coalition in San Diego is slowly moving toward a discussion on strategic planning, using several rubrics, this among them. Suggestions from educators and community workers in other groups are welcomed!

We are also working hard to block the invasion of the mercenary company, Blackwater, into San Diego County. Here is a web site of interest.

Here’s to Doug and Jan’s trip across the USA, Big Al’s red wedding, and thanks to Bob, Tommie, Susan H and O, Kerry N, Laura C., Sharon Agopian, Candy D, Bonnie Macintosh, Sandy Stone, Greg, Bill, Michael, Gerry, and Alan and Sarah.

All the best,


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