Rouge Forum Update

Dear Friends,

Nearly all of us are back to school now. Here is to all those hard-working and persevering school workers who are proving that kids, curiosty, and reason can be reclaimed from No Child Left Behind.

As we await the opening of the financial markets on Tuesday, let us take note of James Baldwin’s speech to teachers, linked here.

The Rouge Forum No Blood for Oil page is updated here.

Below is a note from Dr Adam Renner about the upcoming Rouge Forum Conference, March 14 to 16, in Louisville. It will be our biggest and best ever. Please plan to join us in building a social movement for equity and justice, in schools and out. Whatever the state of the economy, whatever the state of the wars, it is clear that justice demands organization.

That organization will need to go well beyond unionism. We note that the boss of the United Federation of Teachers, the AFT’s New York bellweather local, hid from her members the fact that individual New York educators are being monitored on their kids’ test scores. See the link here It’s an incident that should worry every teacher in the USA.

Earlier, the California Teachers Association shut down the Eliminate NCLB web site that was initiated by Visalia eductors. The site remains down.

You can help the test resistance and the struggle for peace. Subscribe to Substance News ( and pass along a sugestion to sign on with the Rouge Forum to a friend.

Thanks to Adam, Sean, Bonnie M., Jean and Jennie, Amber, Kerry, Sarah, Wayne, Perry, Steve, Sharon A., David, Colleen, Tallie, Nancy S and T, Susan, George and Sharon, Dr K, Bill, Greg and Katy, Doug, Jill, Dan H., Bob, Tommie, Linda, Sue W., Michael, Hallie, Jakmet, Victoria, and all those who worked hard to build our work at NCSS.

All the best in the New Year.


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