Rouge Forum Update

Dear Friends,

The Rouge Forum No Blood For Oil page is updated.

Of particular interest is the most recent piece from one of the few reporters in the Middle East who has a grasp of the “why” of these wars, Robert Fisk:

Tonight (Sunday) on CNN, at 10 p.m. ET, the network promises a piece on Chicago’s school closings and the firing of teachers based on student test scores. Chicago teachers’ union president Marilyn Stewart is to be featured in the segment. The best way to begin to uncover the truth behind the CTU-AFT’s support for NCLB, and the disastrous results for not only its members, but kids and communities too, is to read Substance News now on the web at

The wreckage of the United Autoworkers Union and the subsequent sellout of UAW members’ health benefits will reverberate on every person in the US who must work to live—especially school workers who are among the last people in the country who have fairly good health benefits. The UAW’s boss Ron Gettelfinger will be at the Detroit Athletic Club luncheon speaking to auto exec’s next Thursday, January 31 at noon. Rank and filers who are unlikely to ever be allowed to see the inside of the place might want to greet him. And here is some background on what happened to the once-mighty UAW

In California, education activists will meet on February 2 in Fresno to plan a spring opt-out of high stakes exams campaign. Time and place to follow next week. Here is one of many pieces on the NCLB demonstrating the schools to war pipeline from Rouge Forum activists

Lots of friends of the Rouge Forum will be meeting and presenting at the Chavez conference in Fresno, March 28 and 29. Here is a link:

And book Louisville, March 13 to 16, for the Rouge Forum conference, “Reform or Revolution?” with details updated at this link:

Thanks to Sean, Adam, Amber, Wayne, Gil, Penny, Jim, Perry, Marc, Susan, Ginger, Thatcher, Eric, Steve, Bob S., Rick, Theresa, Kelly, Sharon A, Kerin, Victoria, Bob, Dr K, Dave, Cal, and Carol.

All the best,


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