Rouge Forum 2008 – Conference update & more

Dear Friends,

The Rouge Forum Conference 2008 was one of our best ever. Thanks especially to Adam and Gina for all their hard work to make the conference possible. Below is a preliminary evaluation from some of the conference planners.

Here is a link to papers and power-points that were presented (if you have yours and want it up, please send it to me).

In early April, we will have videos of presentations up on the Rouge Forum site.

One of the recommendations that came out of our conference was to establish a Rouge Forum Steering Committee. If you would like to nominate yourself or someone else to the steering committee, please email:

And you can find conference photographs here.

This coming weekend quite a few friends from the Rouge Forum will be at the Chavez Conference in Fresno, discussing what to do about the coming schools-to-war collision.

Here is a related piece:

If, like many of us, you were disappointed by the turnout at the anti-war demonstrations this past week, perhaps you could share your thoughts on the Rouge Forum discussion list. To join the list, please email

Of the groups that organized the rallies and marches, the largest was probably UFPJ which, somehow, managed to cut the size of the demonstrations to about 20% of what they were five years ago. But size alone is not everything, as we know. At issue as well is what it is people learned about why things are as they are and what to do.

Here is a criticism one Rouge Forum member wrote after attending UFPJ planning meetings and participating in online discussions. See “Where is the Movement?”

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Thanks to Adam, Gina, all the Loisville gang who put together a phantasmagoric conference, MP, Pirate Jenny, Amber, Candace, Ellen, Jane S., Sally S and Sandy H, Milton, Wayne, Jerry, Sid, Alan S, Bill J, the Marshman, Tommy and Bob, Kelly, Donna, Bill F, Greg, Beau, Jill N, Bob K, and ZG.

all the best, r

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