Monthly Review on the assault on public schools

The venerable socialist magazine Monthly Review focuses it’s October issue on the US military/industrial/media “imperial triangle”. That issue’s “Notes from the Editor’s” adds schools to the mix discussing the assault on public schools by the No Child Left Behind Act and advocates of “intelligent design.”

Rich and I appreciate the MR editor’s commentary on our CounterPunch article from 2007.

Monthly Review

October 2008, Volume 60, Number 5

c o n t e n t s
»notes from the editors

The United States in the opening decade of the twenty-first century is dominated by a new imperial project that is affecting all aspects of its society. The most obvious manifestation of this (see this month’s Review of the Month) is the expansion of the military-industrial complex. However, another, in some ways even more insidious, manifestation, as Rich Gibson and E. Wayne Ross pointed out in a February 2, 2007, Counterpunch article entitled, “No Child Left Behind and the Imperial Project”, is the current assault on the nation’s public schools through the No Child Left Behind law enacted by the Bush administration with broad bipartisan support. As Gibson and Ross explained, “Any nation promising perpetual war on the world is likely to make peculiar demands on its schools…and its teachers and youth….NCLB [No Child Left Behind] is the result of three decades of elites’ struggles to recapture control over education in the U.S., lost during the Vietnam era when campuses and high-schools broke into open-rebellion and, as a collateral result, critical pedagogy, whole language reading programs, inter-active, investigatory teaching gained a foothold.”… | more |

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