Category Archives: Economy

The rich get (much) richer

Business Week: The Rich Get (Much) Richer

AUGUST 8, 2005

By Steven Rattner

The Rich Get (Much) Richer
The top 1% take a fatter slice now than at any time since the 1920s

Hooray for The New York Times and The Wall Street Journal for returning the problems of class in America to the front page. Shame on the rest of us, passive witnesses to the emergence of a second Gilded Age, another Roaring Twenties, in which the fruits of economic success have gone not to the broad populace but to a slim sliver at the top. For this handful, life is a sweet m

May Day. Workers of the world awaken!


Workers of the world, awaken!
Rise in all your splendid might
Take the wealth that you are making,
It belongs to you by right.
No one will for bread be crying
We’ll have freedom, love and health,
When the grand red flag is flying
In the Workers’ Commonwealth
(Joe Hill)

On May 1, 1886, hundreds of thousands of North American workers mobilized to strike. In Chicago, on May 3, police shot two workers during a battle between picketers and scabs at the McCormick Harvester Works. At a protest rally in Haymarket Square the next day someone (possibly a police agent) tossed a bomb into the police ranks. Police then opened fire, indiscriminately killing four workers and wounding a hundred others.

Eight anarachist leaders were arrested, subjected to a sham trial, and sentenced to death (with three later pardoned).

International protests followed the Haymarket Massacre and in 1889 the congress of socialist parties known as the Second International called for an annual one-day strike on May 1 to demonstrate labor solidarity and working-class power.

More information on May Day can be found at:
Haymarket Archives
Lucy Parsons Project
Rouge Forum
Haymarket Monument