Category Archives: Social Studies

Vermont: Teacher under investigation for alleged liberalism

Well, it is the USA…Teacher under investigation for alleged liberalismTeacher under investigation for alleged liberalism
November 25, 2005

BENNINGTON, Vt. –The school superintendent whose district includes Mount Anthony Union High School has labeled “inappropriate” and “irresponsible” an English teacher’s use of liberal statements in a vocabulary quiz.

“I wish Bush would be (coherent, eschewed) for once during a speech, but there are theories that his everyday diction charms the below-average mind, hence insuring him Republican votes,” said one question on a quiz written by English and social studies teacher Bret Chenkin.

The question referring to the president asked students to say whether coherent or eschewed was the proper word. The sentence would be more coherent if one eschewed eschewed.

Another example said, “It is frightening the way the extreme right has (balled, arrogated) aspects of the Constitution and warped them for their own agenda.” Arrogated would be the proper word there.

Chenkin, 36 and a teacher for seven years, said the quizzes are being taken out of context.

“The kids know it’s hyperbolic, so-to-speak,” he said. “They know it’s tongue in cheek. They know where I stand.”

He said he isn’t shy about sharing his liberal views with students, but invites vigorous debate in the classroom.

“Never once have I said, ‘OK, you’re wrong,'” he said. “Instead, it’s, ‘OK, let’s open this up. Let’s see where this can go.'”

Southwest Vermont Supervisory Union Superintendent Wesley Knapp said he would not want his children subjected to such teaching.

“It’s absolutely unacceptable,” he said. “They (teachers) don’t have a license to hold forth on a particular standpoint.”

Knapp said he was recently informed of the situation and that it was a personnel issue that he took seriously.

Principal Sue Maguire said she hoped to speak to whoever complained about the quiz and any students who might be concerned. She said she also would talk with Chenkin about the context of the quiz.

“I feel like this needs to be investigated,” she said.

Information from: Bennington Banner

Studying ID in Kansas

CNN reports that University of Kansas Department of Religion is offering a new course: “Special Topics in Religion: Intelligent Design, Creationism, and other Religious Mythologies.”

“The KU faculty has had enough,” said Paul Mirecki, department chairman.

“Creationism is mythology,” Mirecki said. “Intelligent design is mythology. It’s not science. They try to make it sound like science. It clearly is not.”

Last month, the Kansas State Board of Education adopted new “science” curriculum standards that present evolution as a “flawed theory,” despite its standing as the central unifying principle of modern biology. While local school boards retain the right to make decisions about how science is taught in the classroom, the Board’s decisions opens the door for ID in the K-12 curriculum and has been widely perceived as a victory for groups promoting religious beliefs rather than fact-based research as the basis for what is taught in schools.

The new white flight

The weekend edition of the The Wall Street Journal carried a front page article on “the new white flight” in Silicon Valley, California.

White families are fleeing from schools in Silicon Valley high schools with outstanding academic reputations because of they say the schools are too academically driven as a result of increasing numbers of Asian students.

The percentage of white students at two high schools near San Jose have fallen between one-third and one-half over the past decade.

Parents interviewed by the WSJ say “some of the assumptions made by white parents — that Asians are excessively competitive and single-minded — play into stereotypes. Top schools in nearby, whiter Palo Alto, which also have very high test scores, also feature heavy course loads, long hours of homework and overly stressed students, says Denise Pope, director of Stressed Out Students, a Stanford University program that has worked with schools in both Palo Alto and Cupertino. But whites don’t seem to be avoiding those institutions, or making the same negative generalizations, Asian families note, suggesting that it’s not academic competition that makes white parents uncomfortable but academic competition with Asian-Americans.”
The New White Flight
In Silicon Valley, two high schools with outstanding academic reputations are losing white students as Asian students move in. Why?

November 19, 2005; Page A1

CUPERTINO, Calif. — By most measures, Monta Vista High here and Lynbrook High, in nearby San Jose, are among the nation’s top public high schools. Both boast stellar test scores, an array of advanced-placement classes and a track record of sending graduates from the affluent suburbs of Silicon Valley to prestigious colleges.

But locally, they’re also known for something else: white flight. Over the past 10 years, the proportion of white students at Lynbrook has fallen by nearly half, to 25% of the student body. At Monta Vista, white students make up less than one-third of the population, down from 45% — this in a town that’s half white. Some white Cupertino parents are instead sending their children to private schools or moving them to other, whiter public schools. More commonly, young white families in Silicon Valley say they are avoiding Cupertino altogether.

White students are far outnumbered by Asians at Monta Vista High School in Cupertino, Calif.

Whites aren’t quitting the schools because the schools are failing academically. Quite the contrary: Many white parents say they’re leaving because the schools are too academically driven and too narrowly invested in subjects such as math and science at the expense of liberal arts and extracurriculars like sports and other personal interests.

The two schools, put another way that parents rarely articulate so bluntly, are too Asian.

Cathy Gatley, co-president of Monta Vista High School’s parent-teacher association, recently dissuaded a family with a young child from moving to Cupertino because there are so few young white kids left in the public schools. “This may not sound good,” she confides, “but their child may be the only Caucasian kid in the class.” All of Ms. Gatley’s four children have attended or are currently attending Monta Vista. One son, Andrew, 17 years old, took the high-school exit exam last summer and left the school to avoid the academic pressure. He is currently working in a pet-supply store. Ms. Gatley, who is white, says she probably wouldn’t have moved to Cupertino if she had anticipated how much it would change.

In the 1960s, the term “white flight” emerged to describe the rapid exodus of whites from big cities into the suburbs, a process that often resulted in the economic degradation of the remaining community. Back then, the phenomenon was mostly believed to be sparked by the growth in the population of African-Americans, and to a lesser degree Hispanics, in some major cities.

But this modern incarnation is different. Across the country, Asian-Americans have by and large been successful and accepted into middle- and upper-class communities. Silicon Valley has kept Cupertino’s economy stable, and the town is almost indistinguishable from many of the suburbs around it. The shrinking number of white students hasn’t hurt the academic standards of Cupertino’s schools — in fact the opposite is true.

This time the effect is more subtle: Some Asians believe that the resulting lack of diversity creates an atmosphere that is too sheltering for their children, leaving then unprepared for life in a country that is only 4% Asian overall. Moreover, many Asians share some of their white counterpart’s concerns. Both groups finger newer Asian immigrants for the schools’ intense competitiveness.

Some whites fear that by avoiding schools with large Asian populations parents are short-changing their own children, giving them the idea that they can’t compete with Asian kids. “My parents never let me think that because I’m Caucasian, I’m not going to succeed,” says Jessie Hogin, a white Monta Vista graduate.

The white exodus clearly involves race-based presumptions, not all of which are positive. One example: Asian parents are too competitive. That sounds like racism to many of Cupertino’s Asian residents, who resent the fact that their growing numbers and success are causing many white families to boycott the town altogether.

“It’s a stereotype of Asian parents,” says Pei-Pei Yow, a Hewlett-Packard Co. manager and Chinese-American community leader who sent two kids to Monta Vista. It’s like other familiar biases, she says: “You can’t say everybody from the South is a redneck.”

Jane Doherty, a retirement-community administrator, chose to send her two boys elsewhere. When her family moved to Cupertino from Indiana over a decade ago, Ms. Doherty says her top priority was moving into a good public-school district. She paid no heed to a real-estate agent who told her of the town’s burgeoning Asian population.

She says she began to reconsider after her elder son, Matthew, entered Kennedy, the middle school that feeds Monta Vista. As he played soccer, Ms. Doherty watched a line of cars across the street deposit Asian kids for after-school study. She also attended a Monta Vista parents’ night and came away worrying about the school’s focus on test scores and the big-name colleges its graduates attend.

“My sense is that at Monta Vista you’re competing against the child beside you,” she says. Ms. Doherty says she believes the issue stems more from recent immigrants than Asians as a whole. “Obviously, the concentration of Asian students is really high, and it does flavor the school,” she says.

When Matthew, now a student at Notre Dame, finished middle school eight years ago, Ms. Doherty decided to send him to Bellarmine College Preparatory, a Jesuit school that she says has a culture that “values the whole child.” It’s also 55% white and 24% Asian. Her younger son, Kevin, followed suit.

Kevin Doherty, 17, says he’s happy his mother made the switch. Many of his old friends at Kennedy aren’t happy at Monta Vista, he says. “Kids at Bellarmine have a lot of pressure to do well, too, but they want to learn and do something they want to do.”

While California has seen the most pronounced cases of suburban segregation, some of the developments in Cupertino are also starting to surface in other parts of the U.S. At Thomas S. Wootton High School in Rockville, Md., known flippantly to some locals as “Won Ton,” roughly 35% of students are of Asian descent. People who don’t know the school tend to make assumptions about its academics, says Principal Michael Doran. “Certain stereotypes come to mind — ‘those people are good at math,’ ” he says.

In Tenafly, N.J., a well-to-do bedroom community near New York, the local high school says it expects Asian students to make up about 36% of its total in the next five years, compared with 27% today. The district still attracts families of all backgrounds, but Asians are particularly intent that their kids work hard and excel, says Anat Eisenberg, a local Coldwell Banker real-estate agent. “Everybody is caught into this process of driving their kids.” Lawrence Mayer, Tenafly High’s vice principal, says he’s never heard such concerns.

Perched on the western end of the Santa Clara valley, Cupertino was for many years a primarily rural area known for its many fruit orchards. The beginnings of the tech industry brought suburbanization, and Cupertino then became a very white, quintessentially middle-class town of mostly modest ranch homes, populated by engineers and their families. Apple Computer Inc. planted its headquarters there.

As the high-tech industry prospered, so did Cupertino. Today, the orchards are a memory, replaced by numerous shopping malls and subdivisions that are home to Silicon Valley’s prosperous upper-middle class. While the architecture in Cupertino is largely the same as in neighboring communities, the town of about 50,000 people now boasts Indian restaurants, tutoring centers and Asian grocers. Parents say Cupertino’s top schools have become more academically intense over the past 10 years.

Asian immigrants have surged into the town, granting it a reputation — particularly among recent Chinese and South Asian immigrants — as a Bay Area locale of choice. Cupertino is now 41% Asian, up from 24% in 1998.

Students in the library at Lynbrook High School

Some students struggle in Cupertino’s high schools who might not elsewhere. Monta Vista’s Academic Performance Index, which compares the academic performance of California’s schools, reached an all-time high of 924 out of 1,000 this year, making it one of the highest-scoring high schools in Northern California. Grades are so high that a ‘B’ average puts a student in the bottom third of a class.

“We have great students, which has a lot of upsides,” says April Scott, Monta Vista’s principal. “The downside is what the kids with a 3.0 GPA think of themselves.”

Ms. Scott and her counterpart at Lynbrook know what’s said about their schools being too competitive and dominated by Asians. “It’s easy to buy into those kinds of comments because they’re loaded and powerful,” says Ms. Scott, who adds that they paint an inaccurate picture of Monta Vista. Ms. Scott says many athletic programs are thriving and points to the school’s many extracurricular activities. She also points out that white students represented 20% of the school’s 29 National Merit Semifinalists this year.

Judy Hogin, Jessie’s mother and a Cupertino real-estate agent, believes the school was good for her daughter, who is now a freshman at the University of California at San Diego. “I know it’s frustrating to some people who have moved away,” says Ms. Hogin, who is white. Jessie, she says, “rose to the challenge.”

On a recent autumn day at Lynbrook, crowds of students spilled out of classrooms for midmorning break. Against a sea of Asian faces, the few white students were easy to pick out. One boy sat on a wall, his lighter hair and skin making him stand out from dozens of others around him. In another corner, four white male students lounged at a picnic table.

At Cupertino’s top schools, administrators, parents and students say white students end up in the stereotyped role often applied to other minority groups: the underachievers. In one 9th-grade algebra class, Lynbrook’s lowest-level math class, the students are an eclectic mix of whites, Asians and other racial and ethnic groups.

“Take a good look,” whispered Steve Rowley, superintendent of the Fremont Union High School District, which covers the city of Cupertino as well as portions of other neighboring cities. “This doesn’t look like the other classes we’re going to.”

On the second floor, in advanced-placement chemistry, only a couple of the 32 students are white and the rest are Asian. Some white parents, and even some students, say they suspect teachers don’t take white kids as seriously as Asians.

“Many of my Asian friends were convinced that if you were Asian, you had to confirm you were smart. If you were white, you had to prove it,” says Arar Han, a Monta Vista graduate who recently co-edited “Asian American X,” a book of coming-of-age essays by young Asian-Americans.

Ms. Gatley, the Monta Vista PTA president, is more blunt: “White kids are thought of as the dumb kids,” she says.

Cupertino’s administrators and faculty, the majority of whom are white, adamantly say there’s no discrimination against whites. The administrators say students of all races get along well. In fact, there’s little evidence of any overt racial tension between students or between their parents.

Mr. Rowley, the school superintendent, however, concedes that a perception exists that’s sometimes called “the white-boy syndrome.” He describes it as: “Kids who are white feel themselves a distinct minority against a majority culture.”

Mr. Rowley, who is white, enrolled his only son, Eddie, at Lynbrook. When Eddie started freshman geometry, the boy was frustrated to learn that many of the Asian students in his class had already taken the course in summer school, Mr. Rowley recalls. That gave them a big leg up.

To many of Cupertino’s Asians, some of the assumptions made by white parents — that Asians are excessively competitive and single-minded — play into stereotypes. Top schools in nearby, whiter Palo Alto, which also have very high test scores, also feature heavy course loads, long hours of homework and overly stressed students, says Denise Pope, director of Stressed Out Students, a Stanford University program that has worked with schools in both Palo Alto and Cupertino. But whites don’t seem to be avoiding those institutions, or making the same negative generalizations, Asian families note, suggesting that it’s not academic competition that makes white parents uncomfortable but academic competition with Asian-Americans.

Some of Cupertino’s Asian residents say they don’t blame white families for leaving. After all, many of the town’s Asians are fretting about the same issues. While acknowledging that the term Asian embraces a wide diversity of countries, cultures and languages, they say there’s some truth to the criticisms levied against new immigrant parents, particularly those from countries such as China and India, who often put a lot of academic pressure on their children.

Some parents and students say these various forces are creating an unhealthy cultural isolation in the schools. Monta Vista graduate Mark Seto says he wouldn’t send his kids to his alma mater. “It was a sheltered little world that didn’t bear a whole lot of resemblance to what the rest of the country is like,” says Mr. Seto, a Chinese-American who recently graduated from Yale University. As a result, he says, “college wasn’t an academic adjustment. It was a cultural adjustment.”

Hung Wei, a Chinese-American living in Cupertino, has become an active campaigner in the community, encouraging Asian parents to be more aware of their children’s emotional development. Ms. Wei, who is co-president of Monta Vista’s PTA with Ms. Gatley, says her activism stems from the suicide of her daughter, Diana. Ms. Wei says life in Cupertino and at Monta Vista didn’t prepare the young woman for life at New York University. Diana moved there in 2004 and jumped to her death from a Manhattan building two months later.

“We emphasize academics so much and protect our kids, I feel there’s something lacking in our education,” Ms. Wei says.

Cupertino schools are trying to address some of these issues. Monta Vista recently completed a series of seminars focused on such issues as helping parents communicate better with their kids, and Lynbrook last year revised its homework guidelines with the goal of eliminating excessive and unproductive assignments.

The moves haven’t stemmed the flow of whites out of the schools. Four years ago, Lynn Rosener, a software consultant, transferred her elder son from Monta Vista to Homestead High, a Cupertino school with slightly lower test scores. At the new school, the white student body is declining at a slower rate than at Monta Vista and currently stands at 52% of the total. Friday-night football is a tradition, with big half-time shows and usually 1,000 people packing the stands. The school offers boys’ volleyball, a sport at which Ms. Rosener’s son was particularly talented. Monta Vista doesn’t.

“It does help to have a lower Asian population,” says Homestead PTA President Mary Anne Norling. “I don’t think our parents are as uptight as if my kids went to Monta Vista.”

Write to Suein Hwang at

Copyright © 2005 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved

Why is Paris burning?

The Asia Times Online provides the best explanation I’ve read about the youth uprising in France.

Countering reports from the US that have an Islamophobic slant, Ehsan Ahrari (CEO of Strategic Paradigms, a Virginia-based defense consulting firm), says “The threat to France is not from any purported springing up of jihad. Rather, the chief problem is its refusal to face the fact that multiculturalism is a fact of life inside its border…The continued arson in Paris and its outskirts are manifestations of decades of bottled-up frustrations, heightened feelings of alienation and neglect, as well as a desperate longing to belong to an economic class, where youngsters can dream of having productive careers and happy family lives for themselves. “

Televangelist warns town of god’s wrath for voting in school board that supports science in the science curriculum

Pat Robertson, televangelist and assasination consultant to the CIA, has warned the residents of Dover, Pennsylvania that they will likely be smitten by god for voting out their school board for supporting “intelligent design.”

“I’d like to say to the good citizens of Dover: if there is a disaster in your area, don’t turn to God, you just rejected Him from your city,” Robertson said on his daily television show broadcast from Virginia, “The 700 Club,” according to the The Boston Globe.

“And don’t wonder why He hasn’t helped you when problems begin, if they begin. I’m not saying they will, but if they do, just remember, you just voted God out of your city. And if that’s the case, don’t ask for His help because he might not be there,” he said.

Last summer Robertson called for the assasination of leftist Venezuelan President Huga Chavez.

So, I’m sure many residents were relived that the black helicopters were not going to immediately descend the southern Pennsylvania hamlet.

Robertson’s declaration had been expected since he had previously declared non-christian living the cause for the 9/11 attacks on the USA.

Check out some past samples of Robertson’s messages of hate and destruction:

“When I said during my presidential bid that I would only bring Christians and Jews into the government, I hit a firestorm. `What do you mean?’ the media challenged me. `You’re not going to bring atheists into the government? How dare you maintain that those who believe in the Judeo-Christian values are better qualified to govern America than Hindus and Muslims?’ My simple answer is, `Yes, they are.'”
–Pat Robertson, “The New World Order,” page 218

The 700 Club, January 14, 1991: “You say you’re supposed to be nice to the Episcopalians and the Presbyterians and the Methodists and this, that, and the other thing. Nonsense. I don’t have to be nice to the spirit of the Antichrist.”

The Washington Post, August 23, 1993; “(T)he feminist agenda is not about equal rights for women. It is about a socialist, anti-family political movement that encourages women to leave their husbands, kill their children, practice witchcraft, destroy capitalism and become lesbians.”

[On Planned Parenthood]
“It is teaching kids to fornicate, teaching people to have adultery, every kind of bestiality, homosexuality, lesbianism-everything that the Bible condemns.”
–Pat Robertson, “The 700 Club,” 4/9/91

“To see Americans become followers of, quote, Islam, is nothing short of insanity. Terry, you know, I’ve been in Africa many, many, many, many times, and you see people over here learning Swahili, for example. Swahili was the language of the slave traders. The Islamic people, the Arabs, were the ones who captured Africans, put them in slavery, and sent them to America as slaves. Why would people in America want to embrace the religion of the slavers, and the language of the slavers?”
–Pat Robertson, “The 700 Club,” Oct 27, 1997

The evolution of the attack on science in schools

On Tuesday, Kansas continued its devolution as the state Board of Education approved new science standards for the state’s public schools that — over the objections of scientists in the state and nationwide — question evolution and require that students be exposed to challenges to evolution, such as “intelligent design.”

Meanwhile, in Pennsylvania, all eight members up for re-election to the Dover, PA school board that had been sued for introducing the teaching of intelligent design as an alternative to evolution in biology class were swept out of office yesterday by a slate of challengers who campaigned against the intelligent design policy.

The New York Times science pages have extensive coverage of the so-called “evoluation debate.

Cornell U president: A call to action against “Intelligent Design”

Inside Higher Ed reports:

Cornell University’s interim president, Hunter R. Rawlings III, used his “state of the university” address on Friday to denounce “intelligent design,” arguing that it has no place in science classrooms and calling on faculty members in a range of disciplines to engage in public discussions about why the anti-evolutionary theory is both popular and wrong.

Rawlings devoted the entire talk to intelligent design and to the role of Cornell and other universities in defending science from religious attacks. And he said it was time to do so again.

“I.D. is a religious belief masquerading as a secular idea. It is neither clearly identified as a proposition of faith nor supported by other rationally based arguments,” Rawlings said. “As we have seen all too often in human history, and as we see in many countries today, religion can be a source of persecution and repression. As Pascal, the great French philosopher, said, ‘Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from religious conviction.’ “

In recent months, the presidents of the Universities of Kansas and Idaho have also spoken out against intelligent design, which the overwhelming majority of scientists believe is a sham. The speech by Rawlings differed from some other recent criticisms of intelligent design by noting it has strong supporters among some students on his own campus (who promptly denounced his speech) and in his call for professors across fields to get involved in the debate.

The growing gulf between the rich and the rest of us

ZNet Commentary
Growing Gulf Between Rich And Rest Of Us

October 24, 2005
By Holly Sklar

Guess which country the CIA World Factbook describes when it says, “Since 1975, practically all the gains in household income have gone to the top 20 percent of households.”

If you guessed the United States, you’re right.

The United States has rising levels of poverty and inequality not found in other rich democracies. It also has less mobility out of poverty.

Since 2000, America’s billionaire club has gained 76 more members while the typical household has lost income and the poverty count has grown by more than 5 million people.

Poverty and inequality take a daily toll seldom seen on television. “The infant mortality rate in the United States compares with that in Malaysia — a country with a quarter the income.” says the 2005 Human Development Report. “Infant death rates are higher for [black] children in Washington, D.C., than for children in Kerala, India.”

Income and wealth in America are increasingly concentrated at the very top — the realm of the Forbes 400.

You could have banked $1 million a day every day for the last two years and still have far to go to make the new Forbes list of the 400 richest Americans.

It took a minimum of $900 million to get on the Forbes 400 this year. That’s up $150 million from 2004.

“Surging real estate and oil prices drove up several fortunes and helped pave the way for 33 new members,” Forbes notes.

Middle-class households, meanwhile, are a medical crisis or outsourced job away from bankruptcy.

With 374 billionaires, the Forbes 400 will soon be billionaires only.

Bill Gates remains No. 1 on the Forbes 400 with $51 billion. Low-paid Wal-Mart workers can find Walton family heirs in five of the top 10 spots; another Wal-Mart heir ranks No. 116.

Former Bechtel president Stephen Bechtel Jr. and his son, CEO Riley Bechtel, tie for No. 109 on the Forbes 400 with $2.4 billion apiece. The politically powerful Bechtel has gotten a no-bid contract for hurricane reconstruction despite a pattern of cost overruns and shoddy work from Iraq to Boston’s leaky “Big Dig” tunnel/highway project.

The Forbes 400 is a group so small they could have watched this year’s Sugar Bowl from the private boxes of the Superdome.

Yet combined Forbes 400 wealth totals more than $1.1 trillion — an amount greater than the gross domestic product of Spain or Canada, the world’s eighth- and ninth-largest economies.

The number of Americans in poverty is a group so large it would take the combined populations of Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama and Texas, plus Arkansas to match it. That’s according to the Census Bureau’s latest count of 37 million people below the poverty line.

Millions more Americans can’t afford adequate health care, housing, child care, food, transportation and other basic expenses above the official poverty thresholds, which are set too low. The poverty threshold for a single person under age 65 was just $9,827 in 2004. For a two-adult, two-child family, it was just $19,157.

By contrast, the Economic Policy Institute’s Basic Family Budget Calculator says the national median basic needs budget (including taxes and tax credits) for a two-parent, two-child family was $39,984 in 2004. It was $38,136 in New Orleans and $33,636 in Biloxi, Mississippi.

America is becoming a downwardly mobile society instead of an upwardly mobile society. Median household income fell for the fifth year in a row to $44,389 in 2004 — down from $46,129 in 1999, adjusting for inflation.

The Bush administration is using hurricane “recovery” to camouflage policies that will deepen inequality and poverty. They are bringing windfall profits to companies like Bechtel while suspending regulations that shore up wages for workers.

More tax cuts are in the pipeline for wealthy Americans who can afford the $17,000 watch, $160,000 coat and $10 million helicopter on the Forbes Cost of Living Extremely Well Index.

More budget cuts are in the pipeline for Medicaid, Food Stamps and other safety nets for Americans whose wages don’t even cover the cost of necessities.

Without a change in course, the gulf between the rich and everyone else will continue to widen, weakening our economy and our democracy. The American Dream will be history instead of poverty.

Holly Sklar is co-author of “Raise the Floor: Wages and Policies That Work for All Of Us” ( She can be reached at
Copyright (c) 2005 Holly Sklar

Did you ever wonder what 2000 looks like?

Did you ever wonder what 2000 looks like?


A new poll shows that most Iraqis want the US out of their country.

Eighty-Two percent of Iraqis “strongly oppose” the presence of U.S. troops in their country, and 72 percent don’t think that the American occupation will succeed. That’s the result of a poll conducted by Iraqi university researchers, who also found that 45 percent of the Iraqi public see nothing wrong with attacking foreign soldiers – meaning, the Americans and the British. In some areas, 65 percent approve of attacks on the occupation forces.