File-share plaintiff plans own defense against record industry shakedown

From The Journal News (Westchester County, NY): File-share plaintiff plans own defense The soccer mom who has become the face of the recording industry’s lawsuits against alleged online music pirates has decided to act as her own lawyer after racking up more than $20,000 in legal fees in her ongoing fight with several record companies. […]

After Grokster

Grokster, the popular file sharing service, shut down last week, five months after the US Supreme Court ruled against it in MGM v. Grokster. Nearly 20,000 file-sharers have been targeted for legal action since 2003. And BBC reports the global recording industry has launched its largest wave of legal action against people suspected of sharing […]

BC Teachers strike update

The Globe and Mail: BC teachers strike; parents told to keep children home More than half a million British Columbia public school students were asked to stay home Friday after the province’s teachers launched a wildcat strike to protest government plans to impose a two-year contract on them. What can they do to 40,000 teachers; […]

The Legendary K.O. (aka K-otix): George Bush Doesn’t Like Black People

Listen to “George Doesn’t Like Black People” Watch the video here. And here’s Black Latern’s video of the tune And Check out the latest patriotic posters from “Brownie you’re doing a heck of job” and “Let them fly coach” Kelefa Sanneh in the The New York Times Rapping for a hometown in hurricane crisis: […]

“Gatemouth” Brown dies after hurricane evacuation

Clarence “Gatemouth” Brown died in his hometown Orange, Texas yesterday, where he had been evacuated after Katrina destroyed his home in Slidell, Louisiana. (Brown was suffering from lung cancer.) Brown refused the “bluesman” moniker and preferred to be known as someone who played “American music” (the kind of music The Blasters sang about). The Gate […]