In my ear (January)

Neil Young, Chrome Dreams II—Neil’s sequel to an album that doesn’t exits. Thanks Perry. The Budos Band, The Budos Band II—FUNKY, FUNKY, FUNKY. Old school funk and R&B from Staten Island crew in the Dap-King circle. Easy Star All-Stars, Radiodread—Had my doubts about this reggae cover of Radiohead’s OK Computer, but the guys at High […]

Resisting the University (Conference at UBC March 3-7, 2008)

SDS – UBC is hosting a Week of Resistance! We’ll be discussing the privatization and commodification of education with an anti-military, anti-gentrification and direct-action bent! Join us if you’re a student activist, a wanna-be student activist or simply intrigued by student activism and open to learn more about it! This conference is open to everyone […]

Rouge Forum Conference 2008—Education: Reform or Revolution?

Rouge Forum Conference, 2008 Education: Reform or Revolution? Bellarmine University, Louisville, KY The Rouge Forum is a group of educators, students, and parents seeking a democratic society. We are concerned about questions like these: How can we teach against racism, national chauvinism and sexism in an increasingly authoritarian and undemocratic society? How can we gain […]

Disabled single mom whips RIAA in court, seeks class action suit

Via Victorious RIAA defendant gets attorneys’ fees, turns to class-action plans By Eric Bangeman | Published: September 24, 2007 – 09:39AM CT from Ars Technica Calling the RIAA’s case unjustified “as a reasonable exploration of the boundaries of copyright law,” a federal magistrate judge late last week awarded former RIAA defendant Tanya Andersen attorneys’ […]

RIAA v. The People

The Chronicle News Blog: Antipiracy Lawsuits, Four Years Later Next month will mark the fourth anniversary of the Recording Industry Association of America’s legal campaign against music piracy, an effort that has seen plenty of college students slapped with thousand-dollar lawsuits. The Electronic Frontier Foundation, a group that has opposed the industry group in court […]

How Truth Slips Down the Memory Hole

Another example of how the mainstream media (doesn’t) work. Pilger includes a great quote from Jim Petras: “The great crimes against most of humanity”, wrote the American cultural critic James Petras, “are justified by a corrosive debasement of language and thought . . . [that] have fabricated a linguistic world of terror, of demons and […]