[Many of these articles are available to read on and ResearchGate]
Granados Gamboa, K., Granados Trejos, A., & Rodriguez Viquez, L. P. (2024). La pedagogía crítica no es una receta: Estrategias, desafíos y aportes en la enseñanza de los Estudios Sociales. Entrevista con el Dr. E. Wayne Ross [Critical pedagogy is not a recipe: Strategies, challenges, and contributions in teaching social studies. An interview with Dr. E. Wayne Ross]. Revista Perspectivas: Estudios Sociales y Educación Cívica, 29, 1-17.
Ross, E. W. (2024). Curriculum ideologies, social studies traditions, and the teacher-curriculum encounter. In E. W. Ross (Ed.), The social studies curriculum: Purposes, problems and possibilities (5th Ed., pp. 1-28). SUNY Press.
Ross, E. W. (2024). Pedagogical imaginaries for dangerous citizenship. In E. W. Ross (Ed.), The social studies curriculum: Purposes, problems and possibilities (5th Ed., pp. 363-377). SUNY Press.
Ross, E. W. (2024). The future of social studies. In E. W. Ross (Ed.), The social studies curriculum: Purposes, problems and possibilities (5th Ed., pp. 381-385). SUNY Press.
Ross, E. W. (2024). Imagining possible futures in social studies education and beyond. In B. A. Varga & E. C. Adams (Eds.), The theory-story reader for social studies (pp. 216-222). Teachers College Press.
Ross, E. W. (2024). Society, democracy, and economics: Challenges for social studies and citizenship education in a neoliberal world. In C. Fridrich, U. Hagedorn, R. Hedtke, P. Mittnik, & G. Tafner (Eds.), Economy, society and politics: Socio-economic and political education in schools and universities (pp. 33-52). Springer. [English language edition of book originally published in German in 2021.]
Plá, S., & Ross, E. W. (Eds.). (2023). The new social studies education in Latin America: Critical perspectives from the Global South. Routledge.
Mathison, S., & Ross, E. W. (2022). Critical education. In A. Maisuria (Ed.), Encyclopaedia of Marxism and education (pp. 129-146). Brill.
Ross, E. W. (2022). A Crisis within a crisis: Teaching, learning, and democracy under neoliberalism during the pandemic. In F. Mizikaci & E. Ata (Eds.). Critical pedagogy and the Covid-19 pandemic: Keeping communities together in the times of crisis. (pp. 91-109). Bloomsbury.
Mathison, S. & Ross. E. W. (2022). Beyond education as usual: Public education in a post-Covid world. In D. Selwyn (Ed.). At the center of all possibilities: Transforming education for our children’s future (pp. 37-43). Peter Lang.
Ross, E. W. (2022). Insurgent pedagogy and dangerous citizenship. In N. Merchant, S. Shear, & W. Au (Eds.), Insurgent social studies: Scholar-educators disrupting reassure and marginality (pp. 207-212). Myers Education Press.
Ross, E. W. (2022). Meditative inquiry and reimagining critical education. In A. Kumar (Ed.), Engaging with meditative inquiry in teaching, learning, and research: Realizing transformative potentials in diverse contexts (pp. 263-268). Routledge.
Ross, E. W. (2021). Society, democracy, and economics: Challenges for social studies and citizenship education in a neoliberal world. In F. Christian, U. Hagedorn, R. Hedtke, P. Mittnik, & G. Tafner, Georg (Eds.), Wirtschaft, gesellschaf und politick: Sozioökonomische und politische bildung in schule und hochschule (pp. 33-51). Springer VS.
Castellví Mata, J. (2021). Read the world to write the future: An interview with professors E Wayne Ross and Xosé Manuel Souto, experts in critical social studies / Leer el mundo y escribir el futuro: Entrevista con los profesores E Wayne Ross y Xosé Manuel Souto, expertos en estudios sociales críticos. Bellaterra Journal of Teaching & Learning Language & Literature, 14(2), 1-20.
Petrina, S. & Ross, E. W. (2021). Higher racism: The case of the University of British Columbia— on the wrong side of history but right side of optics. Workplace: A Journal for Academic Labor, 32, 12-25.
Ross, E. W. (2020). Why are Things as they are? Action research and the transformation of work and education in the neoliberal age. Canadian Journal of Action Research, 21(1), 10-26. Retrieved from
Ross, E. W. (2020). Humanización de la pedagogía crítica: ¿Qué clase de profesores? ¿Qué clase de ciudadanía? ¿Qué clase de futuro? (Sonia Bazán, Trans.). Revista de Educación, 21(1), 17-37. Retrieved from
Ross, W. (2020). History and social studies curriculum. In Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Education. Oxford University Press. doi:
Ross, E. W. (2020). Issues facing the field: Teaching about and for democracy. In R. Case & P. Clark (Eds.). Learning to inquire in history, geography, and social studies: An anthology for secondary teachers (4th Ed., pp. 17-19). Vancouver, BC: Critical Thinking Consortium.
Ross, E. W. (2019). The problem of democracy in the time of Trump. Educazione Aperta, 6, 123-135.
Ross, E. W. (2019). The challenges of teaching social studies: What teachers? What citizenship? What future? A tribute to Joan Pages. In Ballbé, M., González-Monfort, N., Santisteban, A. (Eds.), Quin professorate, quina ciutadania, quin future? Els reptes de l’ensenyament de les ciències socials, la geografia i la història (pp. 39-52). Barcelona, Spain: GREDICS, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.
Ross, E. W. (2019). The courage of hopelessness: Democratic education in the age of empire. In C. Jenkins (Ed.), The 2017 Hampton Reader: Selected essays from a working-class think tank (pp. 53-70). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.
(2018). Humanizing critical pedagogy: What kind of teachers? What kind of citizenship? What kind of future? Review of Education, Pedagogy, and Cultural Studies, 40(5), 371-389. DOI: 10.1080/10714413.2019.1570792
Ross, E. W., & Gautreaux, M. (2018). Pensando de manera crítica sobre el pensamiento crítico [Thinking critically about critical thinking]. Aula Abierta, 47(4), 383-386. Retrieved from
Ross, E. W. (2018). Class. In D. G. Krutka, A. M. Whitlock, & M. Helmsing (Eds.), Keywords in the social studies: Concepts and conversations (pp. 249-260). New York, NY: Peter Lang Publishing.
Kuehn, L., Mathison, S., & Ross, E. W. (2018, June 5). The many faces of privatization. Institute for Public Education / British Columbia, Occasional Paper No. 1. Vancouver, BC: IPE/BC. Retrieved from
Sant, E., Lewis, S., Delgado, S., & Ross, E. W., (2018). Justice and global citizenship education. In I. Davies, L-C. Ho, D. Kiwan, C. L. Peck, A. Peterson, E. Sant, & Y. Waghid (Eds.), The Palgrave Handbook of Global Citizenship and Education (227-243). London: Palgrave Macmillan.
Ross, E. W. (2017). Broadening the circle of critical pedagogy. In A. Darder, R. D. Torres, & M. P. Baltodano (Eds.), The critical pedagogy reader (pp. 608-617, 3rd edition). New York: Routledge.
Delgado, S. X., & Ross, E. W. (2016). Students in revolt: The pedagogical potential of student collective action in the age of the corporate university. Knowledge Cultures, 4(6), 141-158.
Ross, E. W. (2016). Peter McLaren, Life in Schools: An Introduction to Critical Pedagogy in the Foundations of Education (1988). In J. L. DeVitis (Ed.), Popular educational classics: A reader. New York: Peter Lang.
Ross, E. W. (2016). The courage of hopelessness: Creative disruption of everyday life in the classroom. In W. Journell (Ed.), Reassessing the social studies curriculum: Promoting critical civic engagement in a politically polarized, post-9/11 world (pp. 69-82). Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield.
Delgado, S. X., Gautreaux, M., & Ross, E. W. (2016). La literatura infantil como herramienta didáctica para enseñar sobre poder, tiranía y justicia social. Íber: Didáctica de les Ciencias Sociales, Geografia e Historia, 82, 50-55.
Ross, E. W. (2016). Broadening the circle of critical pedagogy. In N. McCrary & E. W. Ross (Eds.), Working for social justice inside and outside the classroom: A community of teachers, researchers, and activists (pp. 216-218). New York: Peter Lang.
McCrary, N. E., & Ross, E. W. (2016). Working for social justice inside and outside the classroom: A community of teachers, researchers, and activists. In N. E. McCrary & E. W. Ross (Eds.), Working for social justice inside and outside the classroom: A community of teachers, researchers, and activists (pp. 1-6). New York: Peter Lang.
Ross, E. W. (2015). Dr. Dewey or: How I learned to stop worrying about where ideas come from and love critical pedagogy. In B. J. Porfilio & D. R. Ford (Eds.), Leaders in critical pedagogy: Narratives for understanding and solidarity (pp. 141-155). Rotterdam: Sense Publishers.
Ross, E. W. (2015). Renovació de renovació pedagògica : Què hem de mantenir i què hem de canviar en la pedagogia crítica? [Renewing pedagogical renovation: What should we keep and what should we change about critical pedagogy?] Perspectiva Escolar, 382, 6-13.
Petrina, S., Mathison, S., & Ross, E. W. (2015). Threat convergence: The new academic work, bullying, mobbing and freedom. Workplace: A Journal for Academic Labor, 24, 58-69. Retrieved from
Ross, E. W., Mathison, S., & Vinson, K. D. (2015). Social studies education and standards-based education reform in North America: Curriculum standardization, high-stakes testing, and resistance. La Revista Latinoamericana de Estudios Educativos, 10(1), 19-48. Retrieved from
Fanelli, C., & Ross, E. W. (2015). Critical education and insurgent pedagogies: An interview with E. Wayne Ross. Alternate Routes: A Journal of Critical Social Research, 26, 405-422. Retrieved from
Ross, E. W. (2015). Teaching for change: Social education and critical knowledge for everyday life. In S. Totten (Ed.) The importance of teaching social issues: Our pedagogical creeds (pp. 141-147). New York: Routledge.
Gibson, R., & Ross, E. W. (2015). Education and empire: Education for class consciousness. In P. R. Carr & B. J. Porfilio (Eds.), The phenomenon of Obama and the agenda for education: Can hope audaciously trump neoliberalism? (2nd ed.). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Press.
Ross, E. W. (2014).Yaşamin maddi dönüşümü” Guy Debord, gösteri ve eleştirel sosyal çalişmalar eğitimi. In A. Yildiz & M. Uysal (Eds.). Eleştirel eğitim yazılar (pp. 211-236) [Writings on critical education]. Ankara, Turkey: Siyasal Kitabevi. (Translated By Arzu Çakir)
Ross, E. W. (2014). Re-thinking the social studies curriculum. In E. W. Ross (Ed.). The social studies curriculum: Purposes, problems, and possibilities (4th Ed., 375-387). Albany: State University of New York Press.
Ross, E. W., Mathison, S., & Vinson, K. D. (2014). Social studies curriculum and teaching in the era of standardization. In E. W. Ross (Ed.). The social studies curriculum: Purposes, problems, and possibilities (4th Ed., pp. 25-49). Albany: State University of New York Press.
Ross, E. W., & Vinson, K. D. (2014). Dangerous citizenship. In E. W. Ross (Ed.). The social studies curriculum: Purposes, problems, and possibilities (4th Ed., pp. 93-12). Albany: State University of New York Press.
Ross, E. W. (2014). A sense of where you are. In C. A. Woyshner (Ed.) Leaders in social education (pp. 163-178). Rotterdam: Sense Publishers.
Ross, E. W. (2014). Noam Chomsky. In D. Phillips (Ed.). Encyclopedia of educational theory and philosophy. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Petrina, S. & Ross, E. W. (2014). Critical university studies: Workplace, milestones, crossroads, respect, truth. Workplace, 23, 62-71.
Ross, E. W., & Vinson, K. D. (2014). Resisting neoliberal education reforms: Insurrectionist pedagogies and the pursuit of dangerous citizenship. Cultural Logic, 2013, 17-45. Retrieved from (Original work published 2013)
Ross, E. W., & Vinson, K. D. (2013). Resisting neoliberal education reforms: Insurrectionist pedagogies and the pursuit of dangerous citizenship. Works & Days, 61/62, 31(1-2), 27-58.
Vinson, K. D., & Ross, E. W. (2013). The Society of the Spectacle revisited: Separation, schooling, and the pursuit of dangerous citizenship. International Journal of Society, Culture and Language, 1(2), 1-14. Retrieved from
Ross, E. W., & Queen, G. (2013). “Shut up he might hear you!” Teaching Marx in social studies. In C. S. Malott & M. Cole (Eds.), Teaching Marx across the curriculum: The socialist challenge (pp. 203-228). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.
Ross, E. W., Gibson, R., Queen, G., & Vinson, K. D. (2013). How do I keep my ideals and still teach? In E. A. Daniels & B. J. Porfilio (Eds.), Dangerous counterstories: Narrating for understanding, solidarity, resistance, and community (pp. 203-223). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.
Ross, E. W., & Vinson, K. D. (2012). La educación para una ciudadanía peligrosa. Enseñanza de las Ciencias Socials, 2012(11), 73-86.
Vinson, K. D., Ross, E. W., & Wilson, M. B. (2012). Standards based educational reform and social studies education: A critical introduction. In W. B. Russell III (Ed.), Contemporary social studies: An essential reader (pp. 153-172). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.
Ross, E. W., & Vinson, K. D. (2011). Social control and the pursuit of dangerous citizenship. In J. L. DeVitis (Ed.), Critical civic literacy: A reader (pp. 155-168). New York: Peter Lang.
Gibson, R., & Ross, E. W. (2011). The education agenda is a war agenda: Connecting reason to power and power to resistence. In P. R. Carr & B. J. Porfilio (Eds.) The phenomenon of Obama and the agenda for education: Can hope audaciously trump neoliberalism? (pp. 227-248). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.
Chacko, M. A., & Ross, E. W. (2011). Re-visioning global education [Review of the book Visions in Global Education]. Theory and Research in Social Education, 39(1), 148-158. [pdf]
Ross, E. W. (2010). Resisting the common-nonsense of neoliberalism: A report from British Columbia. Workplace: A Journal for Academic Labor, 17, 203-222.
Vinson, K. D., Ross, E. W., & Wilson, M. B. (2010). “The concrete inversion of life”: Guy Debord, the spectacle, and critical social studies education. In A. DeLeon & E. W. Ross (eds.), Critical theories, radical pedagogies, and social education: New perspectives for social studies education. Rotterdam: Sense.
Vinson, K. D., Ross, E. W., & Welsh, J. F. (2010). Controlling images: Surveillance, spectacle, and high-stakes testing as social control. In K. J. Saltman & D. Gabbard (Eds.), Education as enforcement (2nd Ed.). New York: Routledge. [pdf]
Ross, E. W., & Queen, G. (2010). Globalization, class, and the social studies curriculum. In D. Kelsh, D. Hill & S. Macrine (Eds.), Class in education: Knowledge, pedagogy, subjectivity (pp. 153-174). New York: Routledge. [pdf]
Ross, E. W. (2010). Clockwork: Taylorism and its continuing influence on work and schooling. In E. Heilman (Ed.), Social studies and diversity teacher education: What we do and why we do it (pp. 33-37). New York: Routledge.
Gibson, R., & Ross, E. W. (2010). Using children’s books to explore power, tyranny and justice. In E. Heilman (Ed.), Social studies and diversity teacher education: What we do and why we do it (pp. 63-65). New York: Routledge.
Welsh, J. F., Ross, E. W., & Vinson, K. D. (2009, December). To discipline and enforce: Surveillance and spectacle in state reform of higher education. New Proposals: Journal of Marxism and Interdisciplinary Inquiry, 3(2), 17-32.
Ross, E. W., & Marker, P. M. (Eds.). (2009, Winter). Social studies teacher education: Dare we teach for democracy? Teacher Education Quarterly, 36(1). [pdf]
Gibson, R., & Ross, E. W. (2009). The education agenda is a war agenda: Connecting reason to power and power to resistance. Workplace: A Journal for Academic Labor, 16, 31-52.
Gibson, R., Queen, G., Ross, E. W., & Vinson, K. D. (2009). The Rouge Forum. In D. Hill (Ed.), Contesting neoliberal education: Public resistance and collective advance (pp. 110-136). New York: Routledge. [pdf]
Mathison, S., & Ross, E. W. (2008). Accountability. In S. Mathison & E. W. Ross (Eds.), Battleground schools (pp. 11-19). Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.
Mathison, S., & Ross, E. W. (2008). Introduction. In S. Mathison & E. W. Ross (Eds.), Battleground schools (pp. xvii – xxiv). Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.
Mathison, S., & Ross, E. W. (2008). The hegemony of accountability: The corporate—political alliance for control of schools. In D. A. Gabbard & E. W. Ross (Eds.), Education and the rise of the security state (pp. 91-100). New York: Teachers College Press. [Revised version of Mathison & Ross (2002).]
Mathison, S. & Ross, E. W. (2008). The nature and limits of standards based reform and assessment. In S. Mathison & E. W. Ross (Eds.), The nature and limits of standards based reform and assessment (pp. xvii-xxv). New York: Teacher College Press. [Reprint of Mathison & Ross (2004)].
Ross, E. W. (2008). Critical pedagogy. In S. Mathison & E. W. Ross (Eds.), Battleground schools (pp. 156-161). Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.
Ross, E. W. (2008). E-learning. In S. Mathison & E. W. Ross (Eds.), Battleground schools (pp. 568-595). Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.
Ross, E. W. (2008). Social studies education. In S. Mathison & E. W. Ross (Eds.), Battleground schools (pp. 221-228). Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.
Ross, E. W. (2008). Teacher unions. In S. Mathison & E. W. Ross (Eds.), Battleground schools (pp. 628-638). Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.
Ross, E. W. (2008). Social studies education. In D.A. Gabbard (Ed.), Knowledge and power in the global economy: The effects of school reform in a neoliberal / neoconservative age. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum, 2008.
Ross, E. W., & Gibson, R. (2007). Introduction. In E. W. Ross & R. Gibson (Eds.), Neoliberalism and education reform. Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press.
Vinson, K. D., & Ross, E. W. (2007). Education and the new disciplinarity: Surveillance, spectacle, and the case of standards-based educational reforms. In E. W Ross & R. Gibson (Eds.), Neoliberalism and education reform. Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press.
Gibson, R., Queen, G., Ross, E. W., & Vinson, K. D. (2007). “I participate, you participate, we participate … they profit” Notes on revolutionary educational activism to transcend capital: The Rouge Forum. Journal for Critical Education Policy Studies, 5(2).
Mathison, S., Ross, E. W., & Vinson, K. D. (2006). Defining the social studies curriculum: Influence of and resistance to curriculum standards and testing in social studies. The social studies curriculum: Purposes, problems, and possibilities (3rd Ed., pp. 99 – 114). Albany: State University of New York Press.
Pang, V. O., & Ross, E. W. (2006). General editors’ introduction. In E. W. Ross & V. O. Pang (Eds.) Race, ethnicity, and education (Vol. 1-4, pp. ix – xiii). Westport CT: Praeger.
Ross, E. W. (2006). Social studies teachers and curriculum. In E. W. Ross (Ed.) The social studies curriculum: Purposes, problems, and possibilities (3rd ed. pp. 1-14). Albany, NY: State University of New York Press.
Ross, E. W. (2006). Re-making the social studies curriculum. In E. W. Ross (Ed.) The social studies curriculum: Purposes, problems, and possibilities (3rd ed. pp. 313 – 327). Albany, NY: State University of New York Press.
Ross, E. W. (2006). The struggle for the social studies curriculum. In E. W. Ross (Ed.) The social studies curriculum: Purposes, problems, and possibilities (3rd ed. pp. 17-36). Albany, NY: State University of New York Press.
Ross, E. W. (2006). Racism and anti-racism in schools. In E. W. Ross (Ed.) Race, ethnicity, and education: Racism and antiracism in schools (Vol. 4, pp. xv – xxviii). Westport CT: Praeger.
Ross, E. W., & Milner, H. R. (2006). The color-blind myth and why racial identity matters in education. In H. R. Milner & E. W. Ross (Eds.) Race, ethnicity, and education: Racial identity in education (Vol. 3, pp. xvii – xxvii). Westport CT: Praeger.
Ross, E. W., & Vinson, K. D. (2006). Social justice requires a revolution of everyday life. In C.A. Rossatto, M. Pruyn and R. L. Allen (Eds.), Reinventing critical pedagogy: Widening the circle of ant-oppression education (pp. 143 – 156). Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield.
Vinson, K. D., & Ross, E. W. (2006). The Society of the Spectacle revisited: Separation, schooling, and the pursuit of dangerous citizenship. In J. Paraskeva, D. W. Hursh & E. W. Ross (Eds), Marxismo e Educação. Lisbon, Portugal: Profedições.
Ross, E. W. (2005). Down from the tower and into the fray: Adventures in writing for the popular press. In M. S Crocco (Ed.), Social studies and the press: Keeping the beast at bay (pp. 245 – 261). Greenwich, CT: Information Age.
Ross, E. W. Kesson, K., Gabbard, D., Mathison, S. & Vinson, K. D. (2005, May). Saving public education—saving democracy. Public Resistance! 1(1).
E. W. Ross, & Marker, P. M. (2005, September-October). Social studies: Wrong, right or left? A Critical Analysis of the Fordham Foundation’s ‘Where Did Social Studies Go Wrong?’ (Part II). The Social Studies. 96(5), 187 – 188.
E. W. Ross, & Marker, P. M. (2005, July/August). Social studies: Wrong, right or left? A Critical Analysis of the Fordham Foundation’s ‘Where Did Social Studies Go Wrong?’ The Social Studies, 96(4), 139-142.
E. W. Ross, & Marker, P. M. (2005). (If social studies is wrong) I don’t want to be right. Theory and Research in Education, 33(1), 142 – 151.
Gibson, R., Vinson, K. D., & Ross, E. W. (2004). Pursuing authentic teaching in an age of standardization. In K. Kesson & E. W. Ross (Eds.), Defending public schools: Teaching for a democratic society (pp. 79 – 95). Westport CT: Praeger.
Mathison, S., & Ross, E. W. (2004). The hegemony of accountability: The corporate—political alliance for control of schools. In D. A. Gabbard & E. W. Ross (Eds.), Defending public schools: Education and the rise of the security state (pp. 91-100). Westport CT: Praeger.
Mathison, S. & Ross, E. W. (2004). The nature and limits of standards based reform and assessment. In S. Mathison & E. W. Ross (Eds.), Defending public schools: The nature and limits of standards based reform and assessment (pp. xvii-xxv). Westport, CT: Praeger.
Ross, E. W. (2004). Defending public schools/defending democracy. In D. A. Gabbard & E. W. Ross (Eds.), Defending public schools: Education and the rise of the security state (pp. xi-xvii). Westport CT: Praeger.
Ross, E. W. Negotiating the politics of citizenship education. PS: Political Science and Politics. 37.2 (2004): 249 – 251.
Ross, E. W. (2004). Social studies and critical thinking. In J. L. Kincheloe & D. Weil (Eds.), Critical thinking and learning: An encyclopedia for parents and teachers (pp. 383-388). Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.
Vinson, K. D., & Ross, E. W. (2004). Defending public schools: Curriculum and the challenge of change. In K. D. Vinson & E. W. Ross (Eds.), Defending public schools: Curriculum and the challenge of change (pp. xvii-xxvi) Westport, CT: Praeger.
Ross, E. W., & Vinson, K. D. (2005). A justiça social requer uma revolução na vida quotidiana [Social justice requires a revolution of everyday life]. In R. L. Allen, J. Paraskeva & C. Rossatto (Eds.), Reinventar a Pedagogia Critica (pp. 137 – 151). Lisbon, Portugal: Edições Pedago.
[Reprinted: Curriculo sem Fronteiras: A Journal for Critical and Emancipatory Education. 5(2), 2005: 65 – 78.]
Queen, G., Ross, E. W., Gibson, R., & Vinson, K. D. (2003, July). “I participate, you participate, we participate…they profit, but let’s change things”: Building a K-16 movement for progressive educational reform. Workplace: The Journal for Academic Labor, 5(2).
Ross, E. W. (Ed.). (2003, July). Building a K-16 Movement. Workplace: The Journal for Academic Labor. 5(1).
Vinson, K. D., & Ross, E. W. (2003). Controlling images: Surveillance, spectacle, and the power of high-stakes testing. In K. J. Saltman & D. Gabbard (Eds.), Education as enforcement (pp. 241-257). New York: Routledge.
Mathison, S., & Ross, E. W. (2002, October). The hegemony of accountability. Workplace: The Journal for Academic Labor, 5(1).
Ross, E. W., & Gibson, R. (2001). The choice is not between tyranny and terror. Theory and Research in Social Education, 29(4), 779-780.
Ross, E. W. (2001). TRSE 1996-2001. Theory and Research in Social Education, 29(4), 576-581.
Ross, E. W. (2001). Waiting for the great leap forward: From democratic principles to democratic reality. Theory and Research in Social Education, 29(3), 394-399.
Ross, E. W. (2001). Rethinking the work of NCSS. Theory and Research in Social Education, 29(1), 6-17.
Ross, E. W. (2001). The spectacle of standards and summits. In J. L. Kincheloe, S. Steinberg, & D. Weil (Eds.) Schooling and standards in the United States: An encyclopedia (pp. 711-717). New York: ABC/Clio.
Ross, E. W. (2001). What’s left? [Review of the book Achieving our country: Leftist thought in twentieth-century America]. Theory and Research in Social Education, 29(3), 541-549.
Vinson, K. D., Gibson, R., & Ross, E. W. (2001). High-Stakes testing and standardization: The threat to authenticity. Progressive Perspectives, 3(2)[Monograph series]. Burlington, VT: John Dewey Project on Progressive Education.
Vinson, K. D., & Ross, E. W. (2001). Education and the new disciplinarity: Surveillance, spectacle, and the case of standards-based educational reforms. Cultural Logic: Marxist Theory & Practice, 4(1). Retrieved from
Vinson, K. D., & Ross, E. W. (2001). In search of the social studies curriculum: Standardization, diversity, and a conflict of appearances. In W. B. Stanley (Ed.). Critical issues for social studies research in the 21st century: Research, problems, and prospects (pp. 39-71). Greenwich, CT: Information Age Publishers.
Vinson, K. D., & Ross, E. W. (2001). Social education and standards-based reform: A critique. In J. L. Kincheloe, S. Steinberg, & D. Weil (Eds.) Schooling and standards in the United States: An encyclopedia (pp. 909-927). New York: ABC/Clio.