In addition to their course based practical experiences, students in the M.A. program complete an integrated practicum with advanced master’s students and Ph.D. students in both years of the M.A. program. In Year 1 students complete 300 practicum hours (minimum) from September through April. Students should plan for the equivalent of 1 to 1.5 days per week of practicum specific activities. In Year 1 these include:classroom volunteer hours including tutoring, SBT meetings, and observing other school events, observation of PRTC assessment intakes and feedback meetings, conduct PRTC phone intakes, observe psychological assessments, and assist the scoring of social-emotional-behaviour measures for the cases of advanced students. In Year 2 M.A. students complete an additional 300 hours of practicum including approximately 1 day a week of time in clinic. Activities in Year 2 include: observation of interventions/therapy of advanced students, participation as a co-leader in group interventions, work with an advanced student on PRTC psychological assessment cases and completing 2 psychological assessment at the PRTC under supervision. The syllabus for EPSE 561 will be posted when available in the summer of 2020.