Graduation 2019
- November 2019 SACP Grads
- Dr. Trach & Supervisor Dr. Hymel
- Drs. Trach & Lacroix
- Grads and Family
- Drs. Shumka & Hymel
- Stars Lab Grads 2019
- Meagan & Stephanie
- Children, Families, Communities Lab Grads
- MA Grads 2019
- Drs. Mercer & Turri
- Drs. Shumka & Turri
- Dr. Shumka freshly hooded
- Dr. Turri freshly hooded
Back to School 2019
- SACP Faculty
- SACP Faculty
- CFC Lab
- Rachel & Ali
- Doctoral Students
- First Year MEd
- Ali & Family
- Shelley & Jesse
- Sonja, Mary, & Sterett
- First Year MEd
- Drum Circle
- Flash Mob
- Doctoral Candidates
- First Year MEd
CPA Halifax 2019
- Melanie’s ESP Section Keynote
- Rachel & Bill Recruiting Interns
- Celebrating a Successful Keynote
- Ale & Laurie
Life in SACP 2019
- Melanie, Dorna, & Anusha
- True North
- At Sen. Murray Sinclair
- Successful Thesis Defence
- Final doctoral oral SUCCESS
- The End of the the PhD
Graduation 2018
- Shalini & Darcie Anne
- Erika & Kathleen
- Marley
- November MA Grads
- Juliane & Kathleen
- Kathleen & Marley
- Erika, Kathleen, Marley, & Darcie Anne
- CFC Lab Grads 2018
- Shalini & Darcie Anne