Current Students

Melanie Nelson

Melanie Nelson

I am from the Samahquam (In-SHUCK-ch Nation, St’at’imc people) and Squiala (Stó:lo Nation) communities. Over the last few years, I have gained experience teaching K-12 in mainstream, adapted, modified, and alternate settings, at the classroom, whole school, and district levels. In addition, I have also taught adults through the Native Education College and UBC. I have gained experience as a school psychologist in the public system; and clinical experience through a not-for profit clinic and private work with First Nations communities. My MA research focused on the experience of Indigenous parents with their child’s assessment, and my PhD research explores how Indigenous youth identify and access mental health supports in schools and in the community. I have actively taken up Reconciliation in clinical practice, and have presented on the topic to clinicians and education leaders at the provincial level including the BC Association of School Psychologists Conference and the BC Council of Administrators of Special Education Conference. In addition, I have also presented to clinicians at national and international conferences, including the Canadian Psychological Association Convention and the International Congress of Applied Psychology. Recently, I completed my pre-doctoral internship through the BC School and Applied Child Psychology Internship in the Post-Secondary Students with Disabilities stream.

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