Current Students

Simon Lisaingo

Simon Lisaingo

I grew up in Port Moody, B.C. I completed a Bachelor of Science degree in Genetics and Bachelor of Education in Middle Years Education at UBC. While teaching in rural Yukon, I discovered an interest in how the field of psychology could be better applied to the classroom. I returned to UBC to study School and Applied Child Psychology. I hoped to utilize my experiences in the classroom to better inform my new path. I am studying how students overcome challenges they face at school and at home. My dissertation research draws on research from self-regulated learning and emotion regulation to examine the complexities, dynamic nature, and social processes involved in working collaboratively with families and schools to support young adolescents with emotional and behavioral difficulties, titled: “Small Challenges, Big Challenges: A Collaborative Approach to Understanding and Supporting the Development of Emotion-Related Self-Regulation in Schools.” As a psychologist, I hope to help bridge the gap between the practice of education and the research in psychology as well as improve access to mental health services in schools. Currently, I am experiencing and navigating the wonderful world of being a father to a toddler, who is discovering his independence, and a newborn baby, who is enjoying watching the antics of his brother.

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