Current Students

Kathleen Walsh

Kathleen Walsh

Originally from St. John’s, Newfoundland, I am a second-year doctoral student in School and Applied Child Psychology at UBC. While completing my studies, I work as a part time as a certified School Psychologist in the greater Vancouver area. I am currently completing a practicum under the supervision of Dr. Wallace Wong through Child and Youth Mental Health (CYMH) as a clinician in the Adolescent Sexual Health Program (ASH) and Gender Health Program (GHP). Starting in February, I will be acting as a Behavioural Coach with the PEERS program, supporting social skills development in teens with Autism, under the supervision of Dr. Rashmeen Nirmal and Dr. Theresa Andreou. Prior to completing my masters in School Psychology through UBC, I worked as an Applied Behavioural Analysis (ABA) therapist. My primary research interests include self-concept development in at-risk youth, supportive school environments for minority and at-risk populations, and teacher resiliency. In my spare time, I can usually be found exploring Main St. with my husband and silly pug Raisin.

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