A6: Tactile Body Space

In Class: Analyzing the textures and shapes of the site on a micro-scale, observing plans, sections and axos.

At Home: Applying the same idea of analyzing the micro-scale, this time with different fabrics in my closet, roughly sticking to the scale of my hand. Very informed by ideas from assignment 5.

A9: Smell Notes


In Class: Took photos of nooks and crannies I imagined harbored some of the main smells on the walk.

At Home: Analyzed the pleasantness, reach, and sources of the main smells on commercial drive.

A8: Tuning in & Windplay

Wind Object: Inspired by a shell at the beach, the object captures wind at the top and funnels through a tube that gets smaller at the and, making a more acute, higher pitched output.

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